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Why Pregnancy Gives You 'Jitterbug' Legs And How To Deal With It


By Sophie B.

- Oct 9, 2024

You know the feeling - it's like a million ants are crawling inside your legs, begging you to shake them out. It strikes when you're just trying to take a breather; perhaps watching your favorite Netflix series or hitting the hay. It's called Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), or as we like to call it, 'The Pregnancy Jitterbug' and it could be the unsolicited pregnancy bonus you never asked for.

Usually hitting you in both legs but occasionally showing up in the upper extremities, RLS symptoms usually kick in after periods of idleness, something that pregnancy, in its beautiful, draining glory, may enforce upon you.

Relax, you're not morphing into a nocturnal animal. Actually, RLS is notoriously infamous in pregnant folks, nesting in about a third of them, especially during the stretch of the third trimester.

So, how do you quell these jitterbugs without losing your sanity? Start with self-care - a term that has been beaten to death but honestly, never gets old. Cut some slack to your legs. Help circulate the blood around. A gentle massage, a warm bath, a light walk - these can be your leg's BFF in fighting RLS.

If the ants refuse to leave, you may consult your provider about a pneumatic compression device which mimics muscle movement to aid circulation.

Iron deficiency, a usual suspect in pregnancy and a familiar face behind RLS, should be ruled out. In case it's the culprit, iron supplement might save the day. However, if RLS goes vengeful despite all your efforts, professional help from specialists such as neurologists and pain specialists is advised.

Medications are usually not the first line of defense against RLS during pregnancy due to potential risks. Nevertheless, if the situation demands, your healthcare provider will prescribe the safest option in the minimal possible dosage.

Remember, if RLS is throwing you off balance during pregnancy, don't play it solo. Rope in healthcare professionals to guide you. With right treatment and support, give RLS a run for its money and claim back the peaceful nights that your pregnancy deserves.
