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Wave Goodbye to Watery Woes: Conquering Overactive Bladder


By Sophie B.

- Sep 29, 2024

OAB can seriously cramp your lifestyle and dampen your spirit, but it doesn’t have to. With this guide, you’ll learn how to own your OAB instead of it owning you. Remember, the goal here is not just symptom management, but reclaiming control and enhancing your quality of life.

Overactive bladder (OAB) sneakily strikes up to 33% of women and 16% of dudes at some point. Nobody is exempt from this party crasher. Aside from the dreaded call of nature that just won't quit, it brings along its uncle-unwanted urinary leakage-that nobody invited to the party.

To start beating OAB at its own game, begin by bracing yourself to make lifestyle adjustments and incorporate helpful habits. Your dietary choices can directly influence your OAB. This does not mean you’ll be stuck munching kale while still hustling to the bathroom. Rather, it involves ditching some bladder bullies like caffeine, alcohol, and certain bothersome edibles, and welcoming bladder buddies like fiber-rich foods, non-acidic fruits, and a host of other OAB-friendly grub.

Good health practices also lend a hand in wrestling OAB to the ground. This includes routines that control bladder spasms, and yes, leaks. So how about adopting stress management techniques or perhaps some mind-calming meditation?

Speaking of spasms, if you thought gym workouts were the only type of exercise that can help you, think again. Welcome to the world of Kegel! Defined as exercises that strengthen pelvic floor muscles (aka, your bladder buddies), these can do wonders for your OAB antics. Consistently performing Kegel exercises just might have you see noticeable improvements in no time.

If all else fails, there’s no shame in seeking medical help! Over-the-counter and prescription drugs are on standby, ready to wage war against OAB. Anticholinergics and beta-3 adrenergic agonists are two main classes of drugs with one mission: help you control your bladder.

For severe cases, there's a raft of other options, including Botox injections, electrical stimulation, or even surgery like augmentation cystoplasty (don’t worry, it’s the last resort).

Remember, your journey with OAB doesn’t have to feel like a constant bathroom marathon. Take the reins and learn the ropes with the right lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, and OAB-friendly dietary habits supplemented by a helping hand (if needed) from medical interventions.
