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Tongue Scraping: Ancient Wellness Ritual or Overhyped Health Fad?


By Julian F.

- Sep 9, 2024

We've all woken up with it - that lovely furry sensation on our tongue first thing in the morning. Many reach for a toothbrush, but what if I told you there's an ancient Indian hack for that? Meet tongue scraping, the Ayurvedic practice that's quickly becoming the new darling of the health-obsessed.

Deemed a crucial routine in Ayurvedic circles for removing the overnight build-up of toxins in your mouth and combating halitosis, this trending practice might not be as wholesome as you think. Let's take a deep dive into the curious world of tongue scraping and see if it deserves a spot in your morning grind.

Tongue scraping was birthed in the womb of Ayurveda, India's traditional medicine system. It suggests doing a gentle once-over on your tongue five to seven times before brushing or even drinking water. Sounds simple? Yes. Is it going to save you from impending health doom? Debatable.

Fans of the practice swear by its apparent detox benefits and bad breath busting powers. And sure, some modern research does lend credit to the idea. But remember, you can still score these perks by simply brushing your teeth, sans the added thrill of gag reflex exercises.

The real kicker here is this: over-enthusiastic tongue scraping can meddle with your mouth's microbiome. The microbiome – far sexier than it sounds – is a thriving cloud of good bacteria, doing God's work, breaking down foods into compounds that help control blood pressure. Scrape too hard, scrape too often, and you risk playing the villain in this bacteria bonanza.

If you feel like a superhero after ridding your tongue of its toxin supervillains, hell, scrape away! But don’t mug off ADA’s advice – regular brushing (your tongue included), flossing, a good diet, and dentist appointments in lieu of fearing the Tooth Fairy are the real guardians of your oral galaxy.

Still sassy enough to start scraping that tongue? Pack some patience (and a gag guard). Brushing and flossing don’t get a day off. And remember to get your tongue color checked by your dentist just to ensure you're not scraping away more than just your morning breath.

In the health kaleidoscope, tongue scraping morphs between ancient wellness ritual, toxin terminator, and potential microbiota menace. If you decide to jump on the Ayurvedic bandwagon, do it for the right reasons – like unleashing your dragon breath on your unsuspecting colleagues because apparently, it's 'detoxifying.'
