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The Undiluted Truth about Liquid Collagen


By Julian F.

- May 17, 2024

Liquid collagen is the belle of the wellness ball right now. Amidst the melodious thrum of influencers whispering in your ears, you might be tempted to surrender to its siren song, hoping it'll nourish your hair, lend a radiant glow to your skin, and reinforce your nails as strong as Aragorn’s sword. If that wasn't enough, it's even heralded as your joints' long lost BFF.

What exactly is this liquid gold, and does it deserve all this hype? Pull up a chair and get ready for kale-flavored truth bombs.

Essentially, collagen-the protein prolific in bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage-is hydrolyzed (read: chopped into bite-sized pieces), combined with water, and served on a platter (or rather, in a bottle). Manufacturers often toss in garnishes like Vitamin C, biotin, and zinc, presumably to 'support' skin and hair health.

And the big question-does the liquid form possess superpowers? After making a dramatic drumroll and blowing a trumpet, we have to admit: the answer is a big, round "No". In other words, liquid collagen isn't like your favorite superhero rushing to your body's rescue faster than you can say "quinoa". It simply sashays down your throat in a slightly different form than its powder or capsule counterparts, and no, it doesn't have more 'swag'.

However, collagen supplements in some form or the other indeed possess potential benefits. Research hints that they might help replenish declining collagen supplies and stimulate their production, particularly beneficial as you age and your body's natural collagen production stalls.

As for which form of liquid collagen to choose, there are several variants made from marine and bovine sources. The right one for you boils down to individual preference, with everything from your taste buds to your wallet playing a role.

It's crucial to remind you that while liquid collagen is generally gentle on your body, it's not everyone's cup of jasmine green tea. It could kick up allergies in those who are sensitive to specific ingredients, and there's always a slight risk of them containing unwelcome guests like heavy metals.

If, however, you choose to give it a try, remember to read the ingredients list closer than a 'whodunnit' mystery novel. Pick a supplement that flaunts simplicity with limited additives and seek out liquid collagen that lists hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides.
