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The Ultimate Skincoma Survival Guide: Transitioning Your Skin Regimen from Summer to Autumn


By Clara T.

- Aug 31, 2024

It's a fact as certain as the fall of leaves each autumn - the change in seasons brings about notable alterations to your skin too. With the cool breeze swooshing in to steal away the humidity of summer, you might find many an unwelcome guest camping out on your skin zones - Eczema and skin irritation to name a few. It turns out skin's equivalent of the grinch turns out to be winter and fall, as affirmed by S.Tyler Hollmig, MD, The Skin King of Texas.

Suddenly your choice of skipping the moisturizer in the heat of summer morphs into a need for a more potent potion. This alteration douses every skin type - be it oily, dry or the blessed in-between, invigorating your quest for an apt moisturizer. Lotions, creams, and ointments - you might have to play Goldilocks to find the 'just right' consistency that your skin craves.

Take advantage of the fall transition as the perfect excuse for a reboot of your skin if the summer sun has been exceptionally unkind to your skin. Resorting to treatments like chemical peel or laser resurfacing might be your golden ticket. What's more - this renovation works wonders for reappearance of unsightly breakout residues from the relentless summer sweat.

The key to your skin survival guide resides in adapting to your skin type and your skincare goals:

1) Oiler skin comrades are in luck, as the fall transition plays out like a soothing skin antidote. The drop in breakouts, due to decreased sebum production, can be your blessing this season. A moisturizer enriched with hyaluronic acid can keep your skin hydrated while preventing breakouts. Be a keen observer for the term 'noncomedogenic' as the magic mantra that makes it tough for your pores to rebel with breakouts.

2) The hazard of dry skin becoming a catastrophe is foreshadowed in the fall season. Hollmig dubs fall the 'eczema season’, with dry skin losing the battle against inflammation. Seek salvation in a rich ointment, trade your facial brushes for a thicker moisturizer and consider setting up a humidifier as your shield against dry skin disasters.

3) Effective management of combination skin swings in mastering the art of treating your 'oily T-zone and dry cheek' zones differently. Opt for noncomedogenic, lightweight moisturizers in the T-zone and switch to a stronger moisturizer in the cheek zone fortified with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.

4) For those championing the aging front, retinoids and retinols are your knight in shining armor. These Vitamin A derivatives stimulate collagen production, combating fine lines and wrinkles.

Finally, NEVER divorce your sunscreen, irrespective of the season. The UV exposure is omnipresent, and it doesn't discriminate between summer and fall, so keep your sunscreen close at hand and your skin will thank you.

As the foliage shifts from lush green to hues of orange and red, ensure your skin embraces the change with as much grace. Equip yourself with targeted gear - be it lotion, moisturizer, or heavy-duty ointment, and you'll be the star of your own 'Fall Skin Transformation' tale.
