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The Ultimate Showdown: Aquaphor vs. Vaseline - Which Reigns Supreme?


By Ella T.

- Sep 12, 2024

Aquaphor and Vaseline have been squaring off in the skin care arena for ages now, stirring up a bit of a holy grail pandemonium among skin aficionados. Both are old-school, over-the-counter heavyweight moisturizers, credited with rescuing skin from the depths of dryness and providing a protective shield while healing the wounded. But who lands the knockout punch in this moisturizing match-up?

Before diving further into the ring, let's remember both fighters belong to the same petroleum jelly family, so they share a lot of commonalities. However, each has a unique selling point that distinguishes them from the other.

To maintain an impartial fight, we'll look into the popular versions used - Aquaphor Healing Ointment and Vaseline Healing Jelly.

Aquaphor, the complex concoction, comprises 41% petroleum jelly, bolstering it with a mix of ingredients like lanolin, glycerin, cannibalised vitamin B5 – a.k.a. panthenol, and chamomile-extracted bisabolol. It works like a nightclub bouncer, forming a barrier to prevent your skin's moisture from escaping. Crucially, its diverse components provide added benefits - soothing itchy skin, promoting healing, and reducing inflammation, among others. But with such an intricate list, there's a chance for potential allergenic mishaps, so always patch test first.

On the other hand, Vaseline, the purist of the contenders, is 100% petroleum jelly. No frills, no fuss! Because of its pure nature, it's less likely to stimulate an allergic reaction but might occasionally party-crash your pores, causing an unwelcome acne breakout.

To keep this boxing bout cleanly below the belt, heed these two critical precautions for both Aquaphor and Vaseline - banish them from your nostrils (c'mon, we all know someone who might try) and avoid open wounds. Running afoul of these can potentially invite pneumonia or complicate wound infections.

In conclusion, deciding the winner between Aquaphor and Vaseline is not about superiority; it's about personal preference. Your skin type, needs, and sometimes the fickleness of your temperament dictate the triumphant champ in this ring. Both pack a powerful punch on your skin's behalf, ensuring it stays protected, moisturized, and ready to fend off the harsh weather workouts.
