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The harsh truth about supplements


By Sophie B.

- Apr 12, 2024

Let's cut to the chase – supplements decorating the pristine shelves of health food stores aren't the magical health pills they're often cracked up to be. Recent data revealed a whopping 50% of American adults falling prey to the lure of dietary supplements within the span of one month. What's laughable is that most health maestros would stick their noses up at the mere thought of using these for general health or illness prevention. Don't believe us? Check out what the academy of Nutrition and Dietetics had to say on the subject in their 2018 paper.

However, there are those rare instances when the very nutrients we need are not fulfilled by food alone. These can range from uncommon food ingredients to your body literally demanding more vitamins due to health conditions. No one's saying that supplements are the bad guys, but they need to be taken responsibly, keeping in mind that the FDA doesn't exactly hold a magnifying glass to their claims or safety concerns.

While your MD’s seal of approval is king, we’re helping you out with eight scenarios that might require you to take a deep dive into the world of supplements. Ranging from conditions like anemia and diabetes to phases like pregnancy and menopause; there's a wealth of information here just waiting to be sponged up. Throw a couple of pointers for supplements for sleep and digestion, and you're set with a fantastic starting point. End of the day, you have to remember to bask in any newfound supplement glory responsibly. After all, dietary adjustments or lifestyle changes might just hold the key to reaching your goal without a bottle of pills and a hefty price tag.
