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The Dark (and Hilariously Funny) Side of Antidepressants: 8 Mistakes You're (Probably) Making


By Henry Mason

- May 16, 2024

Did visions of 'Eat Kale or Die Trying' dance in your head when your doc prescribed you antidepressants? If yes, buckle up kale-munchers – here are the 8 antidepressant fumbles you're likely goofing up, served on a platter of unabashed wit.

Mistake #1: Going cold turkey because you're feeling on top of the world. The jargon term they use for cutting the cords after two months of feeling like a rockstar is 'relapse'. Your glowing mood is not a green signal from the universe to stop taking your meds. And unless you’ve cracked the secret to eternal joy, it's likely that you’ll have to pop those pills for more than a month.

No. 2: Playing Sherlock Holmes with your side-effects. Your doc is your Watson for a reason. Communicate any side effects you’re having, rather than putting your detective hat and deducing your own conclusions.

Mistake #3: Mixing your antidepressants with alcohol or recreational drugs. Spoiler alert, this isn't a cocktail party. The side-effects of antidepressants and alcohol or drugs is like an episode of 'Breaking Bad' - thrilling, but with potentially devastating consequences.

Blunder #4: Keeping your doc in the dark about other pills and potions you're taking. Your antidepressants don’t want unwelcome guests crashing their party - other meds or supplements could trigger something nasty.

Foul #5: Hiding your health conditions like your dark secrets. Your antidepressants and other mental or physical health conditions may not get along, leading to a series of unfortunate events. Talk it out with your doc.

Mistake #6: Not consulting with a psychiatrist. Yes, your primary care doc is awesome. But when it comes to antidepressants, you should aim to chat with a super-specialist psychiatrist, to ensure the best possible result for your mental health.

Error #7: Relying on antidepressants like they’re your knight in shiny armor. They're not. A combo of multiple interventions, talk therapy, lifestyle changes, and responsible antidepressant use, makes a great team.

Miss #8: Not crying out when your meds aren't working. They’re not miraculous potions. It’s time to show the door to your ineffective antidepressants and make way for other treatments. So, speak up!

Remember, we may poke fun at the absurd, but we're striving for a balance - a rational, sustainable approach to managing depression. Don't beat yourself up over these MISTAKES, just learn, laugh, and keep munching on that kale.
