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Spike Your Stress - Stick it to Anxiety with Acupuncture


By Ella T.

- Sep 30, 2024

Time to address the elephant in the room – yes, anxiety. We all have it, some of us more than others. While medicines can provide temporary relief, there's an ancient player in town offering to tackle your anxious enemy – acupuncture.

Acupuncture, our needle-loving friend from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), steps into battle against anxiety with remarkable claims. It alleges it can use its needle-ninja moves to unclog your clogged energy pathways and cool your heated nerves.

But, hey, we wouldn’t ask you to embrace a brigade of needles without some evidence. A meta-analysis backs the claim, ruling acupuncture as a safe and potentially effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. Still, the science gods demand more research before they favor acupuncture for other anxiety disorders like panic, phobias, and social stuff.

Acupuncture might also save you from squirming in temporary anxiety for impending medical appointments or surgeries. You see, it has passed a couple of tests and proved helpful in situational anxiety.

Sure, acupuncture requires a commitment of about six weeks, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all deal. A skilled acupuncturist can customize a treatment plan catering to your health needs.

Now, if you're not a fan of pins and needles, there's another TCM trick – acupressure. It’s like the non-piercing sibling of acupuncture that uses massage for anxiety-relief.

Let's delve into the acupuncture anatomy a bit. We have Yintang (EX-HN 3) located between the eyebrows, known for lowering anxiety. Then there's Shenmen or Heart 7 (HT7), where your palm meets the wrist and often referred to as the “gate of the spirit.”

On top of the head, resides Baihui (GV 20), a meeting ground for all energy meridians. The pros press the Hegu (LI4) between your thumb and pointer finger for pain relief, a common anxiety symptom.

But don't worry, acupuncture is not known for worsening anxiety. If you do feel anxious post-treatment, an open discussion with your provider can help find a solution.

While acupuncture is mostly a friend, remember every good thing comes with a flipside. There are potential side effects like minor soreness, bleeding, and bruising at the needle sites. So before you sign up for a session, give your health history and discuss the plan with your provider.

Is acupuncture your anxiety's worst enemy? Maybe. But the secret to success lies in finding a well-qualified acupuncturist who is adept at treating anxiety disorders. Use online databases, seek recommendations or consult the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA) to find the right fit for you.

Struggling with anxiety can be overwhelming. If you need assistance, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline is always available. Remember, dealing with anxiety is a journey, and acupuncture could be a stop worth taking along the way.
