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Sleep Aid Turned Eye Saver: The Surprising Benefits of Melatonin on Eye Health


By Clara T.

- Aug 27, 2024

Given the escalating cost of eyeglasses or the deep trepidation associated with eye surgery, wouldn't it be lovely if popping a pill could keep your peepers in top-notch condition?

That's where melatonin steps into the limelight. Beyond guiding weary heads to dreamland, this millennial favorite could also moonlight as an invaluable savior for our so often overlooked orbs of sight. This claim is based on recent studies suggesting that melatonin, which is notorious for promoting sound sleep, might also protect our eyes while we're up and about, especially from a common nuisance known as age-related macular degeneration (ArMD).

With an aging population on the rise, ArMD becomes a frequent intruder, blurring central vision, hence making it challenging to distinguish your morning bagel from the honey-glazed doughnut you guiltily devour. Jokes apart, this can make day-to-day tasks like reading, driving, and even recognizing faces strenuous. As an insult to injury, this ailment is the prime perpetrator of vision loss among adults aged 65 and above.

So how does the favorite sleep tonic combat this vision crisis? Along with being our built-in sleep DJ, melatonin comes packed with antioxidant properties. These are like the elite bodyguards that protect against the damaging effects of oxidative stress, a supposed big bad wolf behind numerous age-related ailments, including ArMD.

The dry form of ArMD, which affects the macula's tissue as you age, making it thin and worn out, can be significantly slowed down by the introduction of this nocturnal hormone. Backing this stance is the evidence that regular users of melatonin are at a lower risk of this degeneration and exhibit slower progress if their eyes are already under the attack.

Revamping the way we treat late-stage ArMD, the current research aligns melatonin with the other noted antioxidants like vitamin C, E, and some flavonoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, all known for their protective role in preserving vision. It does so with its anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic (tumor growth slowing), and mitochondrial-protective properties while effectively battling aging-related inflammation.

As thrilling the arrival of this vision knight sounds, it warrants further research before it can establish itself as a long-term solution. And while the Food and Drug Administration classifies melatonin as a dietary supplement and safe for prolonged use, it still bears potential minor side effects. Hence, a consultation with a healthcare provider before diving into this remedy is advised.

As a parting wise note, let’s remember that a balanced lifestyle with regular eye check-ups and proper lifestyle habits, augmented by appropriate vitamins and mineral supplements, can work wonders in keeping your vision sharp and clear as you advance in years. With more research, this ordinary sleep supplement could potentially manifest itself as a genuine guardian in thwarting or decelerating the progression of age-related vision conditions like ArMD.
