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Shattering Acne Myths: Embrace the Power of Retinoids!


By Owen M.

- Aug 25, 2024

Does acne have you canceling Friday night plans, hiding behind layers of concealer, or photoshopping your social media pics? Let's face it, those pesky red pimples can be a real killjoy. But hold onto your green juices, people, because the humble Vitamin A derivative - Retinol might be the knight in shining moisturizer for your blemish-prone skin!

Retinol is one of Mother Nature's prized skincare solutions. It's found in several posh pots of creams, lotions, and serums galore, owing to its superpower - fighting acne, hardcore! Belonging to the mighty gang of retinoids, retinol is absorbed like a thirsty runner gulping down water, giving a kickstart to collagen and healthy skin cell turnover. Not to mention, it seems to have a thing for the outer and middle layers of your skin (aka epidermis and dermis).

Though it's a natural component, retinol in your moisturizers and serums is, ironically, produced through lab sorcery. But, hey, we're not here to judge, as long as it's saving our skin from acne Armageddon, right?

Now let's talk logistics. Retinol à la carte might not be as potent as other prescription retinoids like tretinoin, but it still does the job of unclogging blocked pores and preventing new breakout performances. However, Rome was not built in a day, and neither will your acne disappear overnight with retinol. It's a gradual process, so patience, please!

Beyond acne, retinol is a multitasker! It can ramp up your skin's elasticity, texture, and tone, and bring down fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation. Basically, making you a walking, talking skin commercial!

With retinol, it's recommended to start with a low concentration, lest your skin have a 'what in fresh hell is this?' moment! Not to forget, if your acne is having its version of a rave party, you might require a stronger retinoid or another acne treatment. So, get a dermatologist on speed dial!

There you have it, folks. Ditch the overpriced charcoal masks and unpronounceable facial cleansers for our hero, Retinol, and let it do its acne-crushing dance on your skin. Just remember, its strength lies in its slow and steady routine, so hang in there!

Refs: Green smoothies, kale salads, and a slew of legit dermatology sources (because we believe a blend of sass and science gets the job done).
