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Rediscover Your Youth: The Lowdown on Collagen Supplements


By Henry Mason

- Oct 16, 2024

Yes, you heard it right – collagen, the omnipresent protein that's been in the spotlight for years now, goes beyond being a buzzword in the beauty industry. It's not all fancy-packaging and hype.

As natural collagen production takes a hit with age, popping a supplement or boosting collagen-rich food intake might be the genie-in-the-bottle solution you've been seeking for those supermodel skin aspirations, creaky joints, and giving you back those Rapunzel-like tresses.

Soaking in some collagen science, we found that the magic protein may actually bolster skin elasticity, hydration, improve joint health, and even slow the progression of osteoarthritis. It may also give a nod to muscle proteins like creatine, pushing up your muscle mass and strength, enough to make even Popeye swoon.

Now if that put a twinkle in your eye, hang in there, there's more! If grandpa's tales about strong bones and horse hooves didn’t convince you, maybe collagen can. It may even hold sway over osteoporosis symptoms, reducing stiffness and pain. No more feeling like the Tin Man without his oil can.

Additionally, several studies have illustrated that collagen supplements may also serve to protect your arteries from weakening and narrowing, and improve heart health by boosting HDL cholesterol levels. No, this is not a collagen-fan-fiction we're writing here, this is legit!

Even your gut is boarding the collagen train, guys. These supplements could shield your intestinal barrier from harmful bacteria and reduce bloating along with other digestive symptoms. Plus, for those with brittle nails and dreamy aspirations of a drummer career, collagen dosages might just be your ticket to sturdy, good looking nails.

But wait, overweight, and determined to win at tug-of-war with your jeans? Join the squad! Researchers are looking at how collagen supplements might make you feel satisfied enough to eat less, reducing body fat mass and fat percentage. Talk about unexpected Christmas presents.

Of course, everything comes with a disclaimer, and collagen supplements are no different. Make sure to check what protein it’s derived from if you’re allergic to seafood; you really don't want to complement your beach body with a rash now, do you?

Lastly, always check with a healthcare provider before you start doing the 'collagen cha cha' to your health routine ensuring it's safe for you.
