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Pulling the Plug: The Art of Disconnecting to Power Up


By Clara T.

- May 10, 2024

As a society, we've become hardwired for connections, like a smartphone perpetually searching for Wi-Fi. We crave the seemingly empowering surge that each new connection brings, whether it's a work buddy or a stranger with a shared affliction like multiple sclerosis. But here's the hard truth - having too many connections is like keeping too many tabs open. Ultimately, your performance drops faster than a new diet craze.

The quagmire we sink into is manifold. In some scenarios, we tether ourselves with energy drainers faster than an overworked respirator desperately reaching for air. Sometimes, we attach to anchors that create unnecessary drag, much like that one friend who can't stop talking about their latest raw vegetable cleanse. And often, we short circuit ourselves by extending connections that sap our energy, like dutifully sharing that 4th kale salad recipe despite the spiraling disdain for anything kale.

Sounds grim? Consider my resolution: flexibility, disconnection, and prioritization. Here's the kicker - not all connections spark joy. Shocking, right?

Harnessing our connections is an energy game. There's ebbs and flows, and in this carnival, some games just ain't worth the ticket. Like that 'Toss the Ring on the Bottle' that's as misleading as a diet promising a six-pack in 6 days.

Prioritize connections that reciprocate positive energy. Like a rat in a wheel, we can easily be entrapped in maintaining connections that offer little value, leaving us spent and as cranky as a hangry yoga instructor who missed his protein smoothie.

So here's the plan – become the architect of your energy blueprint. Identify, reassess, and if necessary, yank any draining plug out of its socket. It's a process, as delicate and messy as consuming the aforementioned kale salad.

You'll be surprised to find the energy to focus on things that truly matter, like your well-being or keeping pace with the latest fitness falacy debunking. Furthermore, there's something liberating about this minimalistic approach to human connections – it's like switching from heavy-lift to HIIT, just as rewarding but less exhausting.

I'll leave you with this – like any arduous yet rewarding undertaking, this will require time, patience, and a dash of ruthlessness. Rest assured, the voltage boost is worth the effort.

Oh, and by the way, don't forget to enjoy your kale.
