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Piercing the Mystery: The Truth About Medusa Piercings


By Ella T.

- Sep 9, 2024

Welcome to the world of wearable body art, bold trendsetters! Today, we drag the mysterious Medusa piercing under the microscope – a stud that dares to dart through your philtrum - that sexy indentation between your nose and upper lip. Brace yourselves, darlings.

This painfully delightful piece of embellishment demands TLC to prevent it from turning into your worst nightmare. Follow our guide to avoid making a good thing go bad. Learning to keep your new trophy clean and sterile can keep those pesky tooth issues and mouthy misfortunes at bay.

Let's face it; piercing your philtrum isn't a walk in the park. Prepare for a bit of red-faced, eye-watering pain. Why? The philtrum is a hotbed of nerve endings – an outright sensory smorgasbord. But remember, pain is temporary, piercing is forever.

The healing process isn't one size fits all - neither are the degree and speed of healing. A typical Medusa takes six to eight weeks to complete her red carpet walk. Don’t rush the healing process, let nature take its course.

Feeling itchy or tender around the site? It's not your body rebelling. It's your body sorting itself out. Redness, swelling, and a bit of secretion isn't a red flag in the first three to five days. Just be sure to follow a cleaning routine diligently until your Medusa is in the pink of health.

Why is it named Medusa, you ponder? Who can say? Some believe it's because it's as unique and attention-grabbing as the snake-haired Greek goddess herself. Then there are claims that a Canadian hairdresser coined the term in the 90s, kicking philtrum piercings right out of the lexicon.

Are there risks involved? You bet! Infections, allergic reactions, damage to gums and teeth, problems with speech, chewing, swallowing, and the transmission of diseases. Pretty brutal, right? But hey, with proper care, you can dodge these bullets.

When it comes to jewelry, choose wisely darlings. It's not all about aesthetics here. Choose a size, style, and material that gels with your piercing. Your piercing jewelry should not be a party for bacteria. Keep it flawless.

The Medusa piercing is undeniably wicked when done and cared for right. But remember, it's not just a fashion statement, it's a wound in need of meticulous cleaning and care. So, get your piercing done from a legitimate piercer and be religious about aftercare. Treat that piercing like royalty, keep it clean and germ-free, and it'll reward you with looks that could kill.
