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No Rest for the Wicked: Your Sleep Deprivation and Why it Matters


By Isabel P.

- Apr 5, 2024

Alright, fitness junkies. You're downing kale smoothies religiously, you don't bow out of burpees, and you even found time to meditate between gym, work, and sleep. But here's the twist: are you banking enough of those sweet, dream-filled hours on your comfy memory foam mattress? Don't shrug it off! Because, according to the National Sleep Foundation (a.k.a. the Sandman's close associates), your veteran all-nighter tactics might be the wrench in your machine.

Regular doses of shut-eye are crucial for your mind, body, and mood. Or so says Phyllis C. Zee, a neuroscience whizkid at Northwestern University. Is sleep deprivation turning you into a Godzilla with diabetes? Bring on the insulin, baby! Or possibly, an appetite akin to a hangry grizzly bear? There's an explanation for that, too. Lack of sleep changes how your body manages sugar turning you into a grumpy, snack-obsessed gremlin. Oh, and toss obesity into that mix too.

But, how much sleep should you be taking to become a whole, functioning human being? It's not a one-bed-fits-all scenario. While adults can make do with seven hours of z's, newborns and toddlers require up to 17 and 14, respectively. Honestly, we're a tad jealous.

Scientists sure as hell aren't sleeping on this issue. They've scoured some 300-ish studies and took conclusions, scribbled notes, and perhaps some caffeine-driven arguments to determine your template for the optimal snooze numbers. The magic number varies when it comes to age and personal quirks.

Who knew a biological lottery could affect your fair share of drowsy minutes? Ladies, you're ahead in the sleep game-slightly. You tend to need more sleep, but there’s a catch: Sleep disorders love you just a touch more. Ever tried catching Z's while battling anxiety or depression? Or, wrestle sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause? Thought so.

Fellas, just because you might not require as much beauty sleep, your problems aren't less. Heart disease, insomnia due to excessive drinking (yes, that fourth whiskey counts), and frequent enragement of your bed partner due to your loud-as-freaking-hell snoring, can play havoc with your shuteye. And did we talk about sleep apnea already? It seems both genders can lay a claim on this fun bonus.

Good news though. Fixing this sleep debacle can be as easy as syncing your wake and sleep schedule, giving your tech pets a bedtime, and kicking up the AC. If reading this still keeps you awake, chat with your doctor. They ought to talk sleep just like they nag you about 'exercise' and 'not eating an entire cake in one sitting.' If sleep's a struggle, keep a diary, channel the inner Bridget Jones, and spill your sleep secrets to your doc. After all, sleep, dear readers, is the unsung hero of your health and fitness journey. Now, stop reading, you need to sleep!
