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Kick Fear Out: Gratitude’s Secret Life-Hacking Power Against Tough Odds


By Henry Mason

- Apr 29, 2024

By the time I was 32, I had birthed two babes, worked non-stop as a palliative care doctor, battled COVID-19 on the frontlines, and toughed out multiple risk-reducing breast surgeries. Pardon me while I take a nap. "Wait, what? How did you juggle it all?" Good question. The secret sauce to surviving? Gratitude, my friend.

Gratitude, a commonly undervalued emotion, tosses a spotlight on all we have in life - big or small. But don't confuse it with the sugarcoating of life's rough edges. It's about focusing on the good, even when you're up to your eyeballs in the bad.

Why start a gratitude crusade? Guess what - it's got scientific backing. Research shows grateful people get to enjoy fewer mood swings, better relationships, increased resilience in tough times, and improved mental and physical health.

2020, the year the world hoped to delete from history, was chaotic for me, to say the least. I was smacked in the face with an overwhelming fear while serving as a frontline physician during the pandemic, managing two toddlers, and dealing with major complications from my preventative surgeries.

However, it was the year I found my resilience and discovered the power of gratitude. Bottom line: Gratitude and fear can't coexist.

I practice gratitude daily, and here's how you can too:

  1. Scrabble down three things you're grateful for each day. Trust me, you'll start appreciating the small things.

  2. Pre-surgery, I began a gratitude manifestation routine where I'd pen down positive outcomes I hoped for. It worked wonders in calming me through a fearful time.

  3. As an adorable family activity, consider dedicating a jar to 'gratitude notes'. At the end of the year, revisit all the moments you were thankful for that year.

  4. Dabble in some gratitude meditation before and after any intimidating challenge. Visualize what you're thankful for and look forward to the good times ahead.

  5. Make a colorful vision board with pictures or words, symbolizing your gratitude.

  6. Reach out to your loved ones to express your gratitude. It not only strengthens relationships but also gives everyone involved a mood boost.

  7. Most importantly, be grateful to yourself, scars and all. Embracing yourself wholeheartedly has its perks.

So, are you up for the challenge? Give gratitude practices a chance for a week and watch it revamp your outlook on life. Gratitude's got powerful mojo that can fine-tune your perspective, finding joy amidst chaos. After all, our life's focus shapes our experiences, and gratitude aims the spotlight towards life's gifts.
