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Kick-Ass Guide to Medi-Pedis: Your Feet's New BFF


By Isabel P.

- Sep 7, 2024

Say goodbye to your regular pedicure and say a big, fat hello to your feet's new best friend – the Medical Pedicure, aka Medi-Pedi. With emphasis on foot health than the mere cosmetic appeal, the Medi-Pedi is your foot's unsung superhero. Cut the glam, cut the frills, and hallelujah, it's a savior for those with health conditions who find regular pedicures a tightrope walk.

A Medi-Pedi differs from your vanilla pedicure in a couple of interesting ways. Traditionally, your pedicurist might have a charming smile but probably not a degree in podiatry. Enter the foot specialist in the world of medical pedicures who has your foot’s health and safety in focus rather than the next nail color trend.

Your traditional nail spa experience often kicks off with a relaxing foot soak. Sounds heavenly right? But stop right there! The tub you’re dipping your feet into is a meet-and-greet for infectious organisms. The tiniest cut could end up being a highway to Infectionville. Enter the Medi-Pedi: No water, no soaking, and pure foot health love.

Medical pedicures, often performed in the sterile ambience of a podiatrist’s office, understand your feet's needs better than you do. It’s like getting them a personal life coach who specializes in pedicure.

Of course, just like the best things in life, Medi-Pedis don't come free. Mostly not covered by insurance (unless medically necessary), the cost can vary depending on the location and your foot condition. In short, they’re pricey, but your feet will thank you.

And the folks who could benefit from a Medi-Pedi party? Those with complex foot issues, or folks who are unable to trim their nails and calluses. It's especially beneficial for folks dealing with medical conditions where even a minor cut could spell trouble (we see you, Diabetes).

The point? Traditional salon pedicures are a risky business for those with underlying health issues. So, if your feet are crying out for some love but you're worried about risks, turn on the switch to medi-pedis – your all-access pass to foot health central.
