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"Hold the Cream, Add the Spearmint: An Edgy Brew for Acne Breakouts"


By Gavin Hayes

- Oct 14, 2024

Forget the green smoothies and miracle juices, we're talking about good old Spearmint Tea. Bland as hell, right? Well, apparently, this unassuming hot brew is delivering a popstar performance in the ever-evolving science-concert of acne treatments. Pull up a chair, your acne-riddled skin might not get any prettier reading this, but who knows, it could help.

Right off the bat, there's nothing concrete about poor spearmint's powers being an acne slayer. Though might we add, traditional medicine has fancied this perennial plant and its teas for centuries (and those ancients were onto something usually). But fair's fair; the evidence is still emerging and not entirely convincing.

Here's the rub: spearmint does have some super powers. Think inflammation nemesis and germ exterminator. But it's really its role as an hormonally intelligent hero that has people twirling their tea infusers. Spearmint Tea is suspected to be an anti-androgen junkie, meaning it can help balance hormonal havoc like PCOS. This hormonal ruckus often paints a cellular canvas of cysts, infertility, irregular cycles, and yes, acne complexes.

So, bring in our unsung hero, Spearmint Tea. It seems to lower the ever-domineering testosterone while allowing a more peaceful hormone conversation among the luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and estrogen. This balancing act might just be the linchpin against PCOS-related acne siege.

But hold your teacups steady; Spearmint isn't a one-note wonder. It also inhibits excessive cell growth, a perk particularly intriguing to those bald, white-coated folks looking for an anticancer agent. But lo and behold, this quality could aid in tackling your insignificant, socially embarrassing acne too.

Sure, you can chew, swallow, or smear spearmint in several ways. But let's not get kinky. Most anti-androgen seekers stick to our infamous Spearmint Tea, typically two cups daily for up to four months.

Before you plan a titanic teatime with spearmint, don't dismiss its cousin peppermint, another minty Mafioso with some antioxidant chops. But be forewarned, peppermint is more menthol packed, thus riskier for skin irritation or allergies.

Last, a word of caution for the overenthusiastic drinkers: Spearmint should be welcomed as a guest in your life, not as an invader. Overconsumption could lead to health complications. And if you are on certain medications, check with your doctor first. No need to be a daredevil here.

We'd like to reiterate, spearmint isn't a magic potion to obliterate acne. But if you have exhausted your acne fighting artillery, why not give this leafy underdog a shot. Still, if your acne starts defying your skin space, call a ceasefire and talk to a skin sensei. They might introduce you to more effective treatments.

So, bottom line - if you’re toying with adding a bit of spearmint to your acne warfare strategy, there’s no harm trying. Worst case, you got served a cup of tea; best case, it works and you get to brag about your killer skincare routine.
