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Get Off The OCD Merry-Go-Round: Unraveling Obsessions and Compulsions


By Maxwell H.

- Sep 8, 2024

Carpools with paranoia or germaphobic hand-washing marathons – part of your daily routine? Welcome to the mind-twisting dance between obsessions and compulsions. These irritating thought patterns and ritualistic behaviors, notorious residents of OCD-ville, love playing the co-dependent toxic couple. They thrive on your dread, choreographing their steps to your discomfort!

So, let's crash their party, shall we?

Step one, understand the twisted couple's dynamics. Obsessions, those incessant, intrusive thoughts, often make the first move. How about a car-crash nightmare for breakfast, anyone? Accompanied by a hand-washing ritual as an amuse-bouche? Fun! Not!

These obsessions have an insatiable appetite for your time, emotions, and social life, holding reality hostage. They throw you in the deep end of distress, disgust, and anxiety – the perfect invite for compulsions to join the dance.

Compulsions, then, happily waltz in, playing the savior. These actions or habits, mental or physical, often promise a temporary reprieve from obsessions. Yet the sweet escape is anything but – it's hardly enjoyable, feels excessively draining, and if left unfinished, can cause severe dread.

Care to focus on its 'not always' messy part? Yes, sometimes you might deal with only obsessions or compulsions, not both. Certain experts also argue that even sole obsessions ('pure O') aren't alone – certain mental strategies to control these thoughts might secretly be compulsions in disguise!

Now, looking into the nutcracker suite of obsessions and compulsions, you'll find several variations, each with its unique go-to dance steps. From contamination fears resulting in excessive cleaning to violent thoughts triggering repeated checking rituals, you will see an elaborate, often disconcerting choreography in action.

Remember, redirecting aboard from the OCD merry-go-round doesn't mean self-isolation or avoidance. Avoiding experiences that trigger obsessions can quickly lead to an OCD overdose. Instead, opt for healthier coping strategies, professional guidance, and therapeutic interventions.

Obsessions and compulsions may feel like unrelenting dance partners trying to monopolize your life's ballroom, but hey, you own the dancefloor! So, suit up, take the lead, and remember, treatment is only a step (or a few!) away.
