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Embrace the Jab: Why Folks With Psoriatic Arthritis Should Pucker up for the Flu Shot


By Sophie B.

- Mar 25, 2024

You're already a VIP in the world of autoimmune disorders, thanks to your pesky Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA). But, hey, it seems that special status comes with the risk of catching the flu more often. That's not all, PsA also increases your likelihood for developing complications like sinus and ear infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Thanks, immune system, for keeping it real.

Turns out, when your immune system is busy going all Game of Thrones on itself, it might forget to shield you from tiny invaders like the flu and COVID-19. Don't believe us? Ask Stuart Kaplan, MD, chief of rheumatology at Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital. He suggests that individuals with PsA are basically walking welcome signs for the flu.

And here's some more fun news for the PsA crew: Certain meds you might be on to tame your overactive immune systems-like anti-rheumatic drugs or biologics-can up your chances of getting the flu. This is the kind of scenario where you wish your body came with a return and exchange option.

Before you start cursing your fate or your doctor, remember you do have a weapon against the flu: the glorious flu shot. Despite numerous pleas for PsA folks to get their annual flu jab, not everyone jumps on the immunity bandwagon. Reasons could vary; dread of side effects, skepticism about its effectiveness, or a simple case of ignorance.

Here's a reality check: studies show that during the good ol' COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of annual flu vaccination in people with autoimmune rheumatic diseases saw a hike. On top of that, research also found that only a minuscule 0.7% of PsA patients experienced a flare post-vaccination. So, your excuses might be failing in the face of scientific facts.

Additionally, the science nerds at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) emphasize the importance of staying atop the COVID-19 vaccination schedules. Why? Because the Borg-like collective of viruses, including COVID-19, can prove more fatal for our PsA buddies than the regular Joe.

Need more reasons to become a flu shot junkie? The ACR recommends you also consider a high-dose influenza vaccine, especially if you're on immunosuppressive medication or if you've reached the ripe old age of 65. Dr. Kaplan, ever practical, favours going for the highest antibody levels with high-dose vaccines, if available.

However, don't just rely on injections to shield you from viruses. Continue regular health practices like hand hygiene, social distancing, and canoodling with masks. Also, consider partaking in other vaccinations like the pneumococcal and the recombinant zoster, especially if you are also taking immunosuppressive medication.

So, dear PsA friends, it's time to embrace the flu jab. Sure, it's not as exciting as a celebrity sighting or a lottery win, but unlike those, the flu shot could boost your health and save you from a needless trip to hospital.
