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Drink Smart: How to Survvive Hot Summer BBQs Without Dropping Dead or Acting Like an Idiot


By Sophie B.

- Jul 13, 2024

Swigging down a couple of cold ones on a toasty afternoon might kick your ass more than your usual evening tipple. While the science jury is still out on whether happy hour changes depending on the sun's placement, things like being dehydrated or in the blazing heat can make your day-drinking session feel more like a death march.

It's no rocket science that gulping down the morning mimosa might leave you with a hangover by sunset. You're oscillating between 'Happy' and 'Hangover' City as your blood alcohol levels play seesaw. Fatigue, nausea, anxiety - all these lovable friends usually come over when your alcohol levels hit ground zero.

End of the day, it's not about when you're boozing, it's about how much. Being a boozy summer hero can lead to the embarrassing fall of becoming a decision-making zero. Let's not forget about the horror movie where drunk driving ends up as the unnecessary plot twist in many a life.

Because, as Tavis Glassman, a professor of public health at The University of Toledo, tells it: "The problem with alcohol is it doesn't matter when it is. If you drink too much, there's going to be bad outcomes."

Celebrating with margaritas over a hot barbeque? Here are ways to prevent exhaustion before it's time to 'ooh' and 'aah' over sparkly skies.

Firstly, eat something before cracking that cold one. Downing on an empty stomach means a direct ticket aboard the express train to 'Drunkville'. Slow down, enjoy your food and your drink. Remember, food in your gut slows the express train, but boarding too many alcoholic passengers still brings drunk disaster.

Summertime party antics are almost always outdoors: parades, barbecues, fireworks; and guess what? Higher temperatures mean you need to stay more hydrated than a cactus. Combining hot weather, not drinking enough and alcohol? That's your dehydration cocktail right there. Alcohol just messes with your body's attempt to keep fluids balanced leading you to lose even more fluids.

Richard Ries, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Washington School of Medicine, puts it wisely, “Alcohol can impair your body’s natural ability to maintain a healthy temperature." So think twice before mixing the sun, alcohol - and let's not forget the pool.

Planning a beach or poolside jamboree? Remember that swimming and alcohol can be a dangerous combo; one report found up to one-third of all drownings had blood alcohol levels of above 0.10%.

In short, plan your day out well, hydrate plenty, enjoy responsibly, and remember there's no need to finish that drink if you're not feeling great. In the words of Tavis Glassman, “No need to finish your drink. Go someplace safe, get there safe, and ‘chill.’”.
