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Don't Be SAD: A Guide to Understanding and Dealing with Random Blues


By Ella T.

- Aug 24, 2024

Let's talk about the grand symphony of feelings that is life – with an impromptu solo by sadness. Out of the blue, you're playing the blues and can't quite figure out why. There's no obvious explanation, no relationship mishap, no career disappointment… in fact, there's nothing sadder than feeling sad for absolutely no reason!

Depression? Perhaps, but hold your horses before slapping on a label. Feeling melancholy doesn't automatically fast-track you to depression. It's a bit more complicated than that, involving a cocktail of symptoms that hang around for weeks and mess up your daily routine significantly.

But, you ask, if it's not depression, then what is it? And that's a legitimate question because something is definitely amiss.

Let's try to rip the band-aid off your inexplicable sadness, shall we? It could be a range of things. You could be on an emotional rollercoaster, swinging between moods with the speed of a caffeinated hummingbird. This could be related to hormones, disorders like bipolar or BPD, certain drugs, or a lingering aftereffect of your latest Netflix binge (we all handle cliffhangers differently!).

Maybe you're running on fumes because sleep seems overrated when there's so much to do! In that case, we've got a newsflash for you - lack of sleep and depression often go hand in hand. Aim for seven to eight hours of solid sleep. No, cheeky naps on your desk do not count!

Stress, that oh-so-common companion of modern life, can also pull you into a pit of gloom. You've lost sight of your inner rock and roll star behind the towering to-do lists? Stress might just be playing spoilsport!

Grieving the loss of someone you loved is a chameleon-like sadness. It sneaks up on you, blending with your everyday emotions till you're not quite sure why you're weeping into your cornflakes. Hormonal fluctuations, that time of the month, post-pregnancy, menopause also have a way of throwing you off balance.

Invisible leeches like a medication side effect or underlying medical issues could be sapping your joy. Heck, it might even be that pesky thing called Seasonal Affective Disorder or more common "winter blues".

Now, all that gloom and doom aside, how do you flip the switch and find your smile again? Wax lyrical about your feelings to anyone who'll listen. Talk it out, pour out your heart, and who knows? It might just lighten the load. Laugh at the absurdity of life, find humor in unexpected places - you'd be surprised how laughter can keep sadness at bay. Create a playlist that allows you space to lean into your sorrow, or maybe one that urges you to dance it out. Maybe dust off that guitar, get those paints out, do what makes your heart sing.

Sunlight could work its magic too. Expose yourself to some good old Vitamin D and notice the shift. It's okay to feel sad. It's okay not to be okay. But if it is persistent, affecting your life, then it might be time to reach out to a professional.

Remember to balance good nutrition (yup, eat that kale!), exercise, sleep, and gratitude. Life sometimes sucks, and that's all right. Keep on rolling under the stars. Don’t forget – even at the end of your worst day, the person who gets to decide when to get up again is you.
