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Buzz Off, Anxiety: Your Ultimate Guide to Sanity


By Ella T.

- Aug 30, 2024

Whoever rebranded physical fitness as a glorious battle should get their monobrow plucked. Truth bomb-the real warfare is all inside that grey noggin of yours. Like matching socks to your OOTD, nurturing that brain should be on your daily check list. But, perfecting that mental muscle flex can invite more confounding brow furrows than a tinder date ghosting you. Fear not, citizen of the World Wide Worried, a guide on boosting that mental might is here.

Headache heralding anxiety? Leave no room for yazilional (yep, we just made that word up) what-ifs. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the 'all-in-the-same-boat' National Institutes of Health, funds research and shares foolproof resources to help you dismantle that anxiety. Their 'kick anxiety in the butt' guide chalks out the usual signs, symptoms, risk factors, treatment options, and your go-to-abouts for more facts.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), an international nonprofit ‘anxiety-squasher,' has every resource tailored for stretching out those worry knots. They also host virtual and in-person 'find-people-who-get-it' groups to connect you with fellow fretters.

Now onto depression, that notorious D-word's got NIMH's foolproof advice and the ADAA's support communities for you to lean on. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), the current heavyweight champion in the fight against mood disorders, offers peer-based, wellness-oriented support via online and in-person krakens.

Next in line, substance misuse. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, hosts go-to tools for understanding substance misuse as an illness and provides strategies to cage it. They also feature a whisper-in-the-night, free, 24-hour helpline (800-662-HELP or 4357).

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the doctor squad that's preaching science-based treatments for substance misuse disorders, shares resources on substance misuse disorder symptoms, treatment options, and recovery paths. They also boast a 24-hour support hotline: 833-275-2043.

Food-warfare woes are addressed by organizations such as the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), which offers a weekday confidential helpline (888-375-7767), and the National Alliance for Eating Disorders (NAED), which directs to appropriate treatment through a therapist-staffed helpline (866-662-1235).

For grief-anchor-weighing-you-down moments, the Hospice Foundation of America (HFA) and the Center for Prolonged Grief are your light-summoning lighthouses, providing everything from understanding grief to locating support groups and professionals. My Grief Angels connects you with others going through similar experiences via free online support groups.

Lastly, the Domestic Violence Hotline, the 24/7 free, confidential helping hand, provides an emergency exit button on their website, a local search tool for resources, along with a support line.

Remember, those dragons in your head deserve a good slaying. So strap in, charge, and combat-it's your brain's turn to bulk up!
