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Burning Out? Spot the Signs and Cook Up a Recovery Plan


By Isabel P.

- Aug 24, 2024

Extinguishing the flames of burnout isn't a quick call to 911; it involves recognizing the smoldering signs while grappling with the reality that it's more than just your average stress- it's a ghastly syndrome of symptoms caused by going beast mode in your work without taking a pause. If you're feeling like an over-tossed salad spinning in a Fast-Twirling- Salad- Spinner (FTSS), you're not alone. A 2023 'Work-life Motto: Work or Die?' survey reveals a disturbing 57% of working warriors are battling with burnout.

Fly over professionals and teachers? Consider yourselves KPIs- 'Key People of Incineration.' But don't assume only office-space invaders can fall prey to this beast. Students buried under textbooks and helicopter parents are potential victims as well.

Burnout is a nasty creature that can gnaw at your mental and physical fortitude, leaving your work ethics and relationships prone to crashes. But the good news? It comes with some early warning signs, if only you're willing to spot them. Exhaustion, or feeling like a deflated balloon, tops the list. Dreading work, having the emotional appeal of a dead fish, and developing an impressive talent for procrastination? Yes, that's possibly burnout singing the 'Welcome to My Emo World' anthem.

Chronic burnout can also hijack your sleep, resembling a twisted roundabout relationship where poor sleep quality contributes to amplified burnout symptoms and vice-versa. An unexpected decrease or increase in appetite, frequent headaches or gut symptoms could be additional distress signals for burnout.

Burnout can trigger your 'comfort-crave' button too, making you lean towards unhealthy coping mechanisms like relying on alcohol, drugs, and mindless munching. With every sarcastic comment you drop about your drudging work or every scowl at your co-worker's latest meme, you may unconsciously be decorating the 'burnout' Christmas tree.

Burnout and depression sure do sound like long-lost best friends, but they aren't the same. While burnout signals a flare-up due to an overload of work, depression is an unwelcome raven flying across all corners of your existence. You could be simultaneously juggling the hot potatoes of burnout and depression, but remember, having an accurate diagnosis is vital to squashing these energy-sapping monsters.

Now, it would be great if a fairy waved its magic wand and bam! – burnout disappeared. Sorry sugar, this isn't a Disney movie, and tackling burnout demands conscious efforts. Start by weeding out screen time and prioritizing self-care like catching up with your long-forgotten hobbies or your favorite gang. Recharge your drained out batteries through small vacations or a sabbatical if that's the need of the hour.

Embrace changes and be open to exploring healthier work environments. And when it feels too grinding, don't hesitate to knock on the door of a mental health professional. They can guide you to build coping strategies and reclaim your balance.

Remember that recovering from burnout isn't a sprint or a marathon – it's more of a relay race. While the symptoms of burnout may range from exhaustion to vision issues, the buck stops at addressing these issues proactively. Unleashing your burnt-out problems to a mental health professional can pave the bridge between sinking into a burnt-out abyss and swimming back to land.
