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Banging the Body Image Beast: Raw Truths and Real Tips


By Gavin Hayes

- Sep 29, 2024

Got body dysmorphia demons? First, you're not alone, and second, let's tackle that hell beast. Body image – think of it as the mental selfie you click every time you look at yourself– comprises two aspects: body percept (your mind's snapshot of your physique) and body concept (the emotional JPEGs you attach to your appearance).

Warping your mind with negative thoughts about your body, obsessing over 'flaws' that indeed are as real as unicorns, and playing the harmful game of compare-and-despair can snowball into a mental health avalanche. Moreover, these distorted illusions can manifest in various disguises, like an unhealthy fixation with impossible beauty standards (looking at you, photoshopped models) or incessant stress over how others perceive you.

Now, if your relationship with your reflection is already a simmering brew of Photoshop, filters, and face-tune, take a chillax pill, buddy. Everyone, yes EVERYONE, harbors some negativity towards their bodies. The trick is to recognize these damaging thoughts and sidekick them into the abyss before they consume you.

Mind-blowing fact: tweaking your social media habits can also significantly uplift your self-perception. A 2023 study unleashed the magic numbers: slashing your scroll-time by half can bring smiley emojis for your body image, even if you're grappling with depression and anxiety.

Feeling like a misshapen puzzle piece in the grand picture of body image? Reach out to professionals who can help you perform a mental Ctrl+Alt+Del. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be your mind's antivirus, scanning for harmful thoughts and behaviors and quarantining them for good. Early diagnosis of underlying mental conditions can offer effective treatment ways like anti-anxiety meds or intensive care.

For the queer and trans folks among us, the body image battlefield is littered with additional mines like gender dysphoria and deep-seated discomforts. An LGBTQ+-affirming therapist can don the guide hat to navigate these trenches.

The vital takeaway: body image isn't about six-packs or thigh gaps. Negative thoughts, traumatic past, and imperfection-phobia can brew an uncomfortable cocktail leading to body image issues. Unfold the power of cognitive-behavioral therapy and self-care to boost your self-esteem. Remember, every "body" is beautiful, especially yours!
