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An Unconventional Couple: Baking Soda and Teeth Whitening


By Julian F.

- Aug 31, 2024

Bask in the brilliance of your smile without selling a kidney to finance a dental trip or over-the-counter whitening kits. The secret weapon? Your kitchen's everyday hero, baking soda.

Baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate, our favorite leavening agent, surprisingly, is an excellent teeth whitener. Its mild abrasive nature helps to buff your teeth's enamel, erasing surface stains and unveiling a cleaner, brighter smile. While it's not a bleach per se, it magically makes your teeth seem whiter by nixing the lurking stains.

Boosting baking soda's credibility for teeth whitening is science itself. Numerous studies reveal that baking soda-filled toothpaste does a better job at stain removal than its counterparts, without causing harm to the enamel. Now, that's a win-win.

For an extra whitening kick, you can pair baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. It acts as a bleach, amping up the result. But remember, power comes with responsibility, and peroxide, when misused, can irritate or even damage your enamel and gums. And yes, it's toxic if ingested in large quantities. So, use it wisely.

Baking soda is economical, easy to use, and is known to neutralize harmful mouth acids while reducing plaque buildup. However, its road to teeth whitening has a few speed bumps. The texture is gritty, and the whitening effect may not be as drastic as professional services.

To whip up your own baking soda teeth-whitening concoction, simply mix it with water or add hydrogen peroxide for a more potent mix. Apply these mixes twice a week, and voilà! There's your homemade teeth whitening solution.

Just ensure you're using the kitchen-grade baking soda and not one meant for cleaning or deodorizing.

Claims surrounding teeth whitening are often as murky as swamp water, so seeking advice from a dentist or following ADA (American Dental Association) guidelines is recommended.

Embrace baking soda for a safer, inexpensive, and effective teeth whitening solution. It's all about letting your teeth sparkle without needing a celebrity bank balance.
