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Yogurt Decoded: Your Guide to Buying the Best Pot of Probiotics


By Henry Mason

- Apr 16, 2024

Instead of habitually reaching out for your regular yogurt, have you ever paused to scan your supermarket aisle and wonder at the sheer array of yogurt varieties gracing the shelves? From strawberry banana to esoteric s’mores flavor, Greek yogurt all the way to Icelandic yogurt, and even alternatives like goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, coconut milk and almond milk yogurts – the options can seem bewildering. So, amidst this ocean of choices, how does one pick the healthiest yogurt offering the best bang-for-buck in nutrition?

Greek yogurt and skyr (Icelandic yogurt) emerge as top contenders due to their lower sugar and higher protein content, thanks to special straining processes that create denser, tangier, protein-packed versions, explains dietitian Jamie Nadeau. A quick comparison: 100 grams of plain yogurt has about 3.5 grams of protein, while the same serving of Greek and Icelandic yogurts offer 9 and 10 grams of protein respectively.

But if you're not into the texture and tang of these options, don't worry! All yogurt types can fit seamlessly into a healthy diet - so choose what gets your taste buds grooving. If it encourages you to eat more and reaps the essential nutriments yogurt delivers, go for it!

While on this aromatic adventure, remember, the choice of your yogurt doesn't just determine your love for breakfast but quite literally influences your gut's happiness. Regular yogurt consumption bolsters your intake of vital elements like fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D, while supplying probiotics that act as champions of gut health – fighting off nasty bacteria and maintaining friendly ones.

Yogurt's culinary prowess extends beyond the breakfast bowl as well. Why not try yogurt-based salad dressings or dips? It's versatile, healthy, and can add a fresh flavor zing to your dishes.

Closing thoughts for budding yogurt connoisseurs? Beware of the lurking sugar menace in your creamy treat. Some yogurts can contain eyebrow-raising amounts of added sugar, more than any dessert's worth. So, always check the nutritional label for sugar content and consider sticking with plain yogurt and adding your preferred flavors or real fruits.

Probiotic seekers should also remember that while most yogurts have these friendly bacteria, some types may not. To ensure your yogurts are brimming with these beneficial cultures, look for the 'Live & Active Cultures' label and remember, a more diverse list of bacteria often means a happier gut. The key is to prioritize your taste over attempting to micromanage the highest probiotic count. Enjoy the exploration and choose the yogurt that satiates both your taste buds and gut health needs.
