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Winning the Selenium Game: Your Body's Missing Puzzle Piece


By Maxwell H.

- Aug 21, 2024

Are you flirting with a deficiency in Selenium? Bucket loads of health nuts are and they don't even know it. Found playing hide and seek in soil, water, plants, and those dubious supplements, this unassuming mineral is essential for robust thyroid, heart, and brain health. But surprise! The wild west, also known as the FDA, doesn't play the sheriff when it comes to supplements - meaning, what's on the label might be as elusive as Bigfoot.

Finding out if your body has struck gold with selenium, depends on factors including age, diet, and yes, even gender. Once it sneaks inside, it cleverly disguises itself as an amino acid called selenocysteine, stealthily shaping brain function, heart health, metabolism, and your body's ability to hit back at inflammation. Oh, and did we mention almost half of it parks in your skeletal muscles?

Hang on to your yoga mats because this essential mineral has been under the research microscope for some jaw-dropping revelations. As an integral part of 25 different selenoproteins, selenium moonlights as an antioxidant - the cease and desist order our bodies can issue against destructive free radicals. Using the term 'free radical' might make you think of a tech-savvy rebel faction, but these unstable molecules are less about revolutions and more about wreaking havoc on your health.

Balancing selenium is a bit like performing Swan Lake on a slackline. We certainly don't manufacture this magic mineral in-house and have to raid our plates or pop supplements for it. But your intake depends on various factors including age, gender, or whether you're playing host to a tiny tenant in your womb.

Plant and animal foods are riddled with selenium but be forewarned, it's a bit of a chameleon! From the amount present in the soil where plants grow to the meals snacked by your farm animal friends, variations in selenium are as unpredictable as the plot of a telenovela.

Those tempting selenium supplements? They're mostly harmless but tread carefully. You wouldn't want to start gulping these down only to find out you're allergic, would you? It takes just 400 mcg to push your intake into the danger zone and spiral into a glut of health problems.

Short of a medical examination, most of us wouldn't even know if we're jamming with a selenium deficit. And while a deficiency might give you the picturesque emaciated look favored by the high fashion crowd, it's no joy ride. Oh, and add a sprinkle of iodine deficiency on top, and you might just land yourself a diagnosis of hypothyroidism or goiter.

Conquer your selenium intake by adhering to a balanced diet. Pop in some supplements if you can't derive enough from your meals but make sure to pick products signed, sealed, and delivered by trusted third-party agencies. We've got a long list of inflated health claims, so make sure your choice isn't selling dreams instead of results!
