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Unmasking the Walnut: A Superfood Up for Grabs


By Owen M.

- Jun 24, 2024

The walnut, also known as Juglans regia of the tree nut family, is more than just a crunchy addition to your salads or baked goods. This humble nut not only comes with a truckload of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and polyphenols, but also boasts being the captain of the plant-based omega-3 fatty acids team, the VIP of polyunsaturated fats celebrated for its role in reducing inflammation, keeping your heart tick-tocking nicely, and making your gray cells dance.

If you’re not incorporating walnuts into your dietary regime, you're missing out on a goldmine of nutrients. These include vitamin B6, magnesium for that extra pep in your step, sleep-inducing melatonin, and the mineral duo of copper and manganese. While all nuts are like tiny nutrient parcels, walnuts take the crown with their sky-high omega-3 fatty acids.

Let's talk about cholesterol - the bad guy, the notorious LDL, that clogs your arteries. Just about a half a cup of raw, pieced walnuts can significantly muscle slam this rowdy intruder. Also, in the boxing ring against cardiovascular risk factors like cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and type 2 diabetes, it is walnuts that come out as the unbeaten champion.

Given their positive influence on your gut microbiome, walnuts can also be your gut’s best friend. Commanding your gut with their choice of bacterial species, these round, brown nuggets support gut health. However, as our study relies on the sometimes unreliable participants' self-reported data, approach this gut-health claim with a dash of caution.

Head into the world of mental fitness, and walnuts are also your teammates. From boosting your mood to sharpening your cognitive abilities, these hard-shelled wonders are not playing around. And let's not forget their potential role in preventing and slowing down neurodegenerative diseases like the sinister Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

How about more walnut wonders? How about cancer prevention? Or slow-release carbs and appetite-curbing fiber and protein, making them a weapon against blood sugar spikes and potential diabetes?

Lastly, into the world of reproduction, walnuts come in with a slam dunk by potentially improving sperm quality. Yorkies won't have these claims labeled on their wrappers, now, will they?

Varieties? Check! With over 37 types cultivated in California alone, you can take your pick from English to Persian and even Black walnuts. The manly serving size? Seven whole walnuts or a one-handed snatch.

Before you embark on your walnut spree, if you have a nut allergy, give walnuts a miss. Also, present your mini-me below four years old with a safer snack to avoid choking.

From adding them to grain dishes or using them as a protein top-up, to incorporating into your desserts, walnuts smoothly slide into numerous edible settings. Just remember: while they're a snack that fights back in terms of health benefits, children under four years of age and those with nut allergies ought to steer clear. Happy nut-cracking!
