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"The Truth Behind Fruits: Demystifying Inflammatory Myths for PsA Warriors"


By Sophie B.

- Sep 12, 2024

When living with autoimmune conditions like psoriatic arthritis (PsA), the quest for inflammation and oxidative stress reduction may seem never-ending. Lucky for you, the remedy could be as accessible as your backyard or the neighborhood supermarket. Enter center stage - fruits. Always a refreshing choice, but remember - eating fruits will not sideline your medical treatments. They're simply a tasty part of your comprehensive treatment approach, says nutrition expert, Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN.

Be wary of canned, dried, or frozen fruits swimming in added sugars or salt as these villains can aggravate your condition and accompanying diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

Now, let's talk about our fruit heroes.

  1. Avocado - Anti-Inflammatory Supercharged Avocado deserves a standing ovation for being a quality source of vitamins C and E. Look at you, chowing down on your avocados and unknowingly combating joint pain with its anti-inflammatory powers!

    How to Enjoy It: Guacamole is the 101, but feel the avocado love as a burger adornment or a butter or oil substitute in muffins (a 1:1 ratio). This switch helps you cut down on saturated fat, a big plus for PsA and heart disease.

  2. Cherries - Double Agents of Anti-Inflammation and Antioxidants All things cherry give us not only antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties but also potentially better sleep quality. Elite cherry facts: tart cherry juice reduces uric acid levels, beneficial for psoriasis-affected individuals.

    How to Enjoy It: Go crazy with sweet cherries straight out the bowl in summer. Tart cherries fit perfectly in baking, whereas dried cherries jazz up trail mix.

  3. Berries - Nature's Capsule of Antioxidants Rock your world with berries' anthocyanins, quercetin, various phenolic acids, and vitamin C, which collectively battles inflammation.

    How to Enjoy It: Mix berries into your cereal, salads, or have them as stand-alone snacks.

  4. Pineapple - The Hydrating Helper Time to hail the traditional symbol of welcome for its vitamin C, manganese (keeps the skeleton shipshape), bromelain (an anti-inflammatory enzyme also aiding digestion), and its immune-boosting skills.

    How to Enjoy It: Eat fresh pineapple raw, or add it to your yogurt or cottage cheese. Brave enough? Grill it with a bit of olive oil.

  5. Mango - The Inflammation-Squashing, Bone-Protecting Wonder Bow down to the mighty mango for its vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids, and its damage-controlling actions on bone destruction.

    How to Enjoy It: Grilled, added to yogurt, or salsa-prepped - mangoes never disappoint!

  6. Kiwi - Immunity-Raising Fiber Bomb Get your foodie spirit high with kiwi's vitamin C, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and its heart disease risk-cutting abilities.

    How to Enjoy It: Plain, in a fruit salad, green salad (for a slight sweetness), grilled, or in a salsa - kiwi knows how to party right.

Takeaways? Integrate fruits to manage PsA - they're tasty inflammation-busters, reducing joint swelling and pain. Avoid fruit options swimming in added sugars or salt. Enjoy the fruity goodness you deserve.
