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The Overlooked Goldmine: Unlocking the Power of Fruit & Veggie Skins


By Isabel P.

- Jun 15, 2024

Irony of ironies, we might be tossing the healthiest parts of our vegetables and fruits into the trash can. Yes, you heard it right; the often disposed of skins and peels of veggies and fruits are loaded with nutrition, presenting a burst of fiber, vitamins, and minerals to jazz up your health regimen.

Numerous produce skins, peels, and rinds are packed with useful stuff like fiber, potassium, and magnesium, promoting a more wholesome dietary spread, says Michelle Routhenstein, a preventive cardiology dietitian. Fancy that, we are wasting a cornucopia of nutritional goodness every time we trash these skins.

Health details aside, the skins and peels of fruits and veggies add a delightful mix of texture and flavor to your meals. But a word of caution: not all of them are safe to eat.

From the fuzzy skin of kiwi fruits, nutrient-packed tomato skins, zesty citrus peels, to humble potato skins, and yes, even the overlooked rind of watermelons, the exterior layers of fruits and veggies carry a host of health benefits. Up your nutritional ante by including these in your diet.

However, some skins like that of mango or lychee could be harmful or trigger allergic reactions. So tread with a bit of caution.

Eating the whole fruit, skins, rinds, and all not only increases the nutrient profile of your meal but can also reduce your food waste footprint. So the next time you reach for that peeler, think again, you might just be peeling away a chunk of your health.

But, most of all, remember to clean your produce thoroughly before sinking your teeth in. Here's to a healthier, peeler-free eating habit.
