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Seven Sensational Reasons to Make Sea Greens Your New Superfood Obsession


By Julian F.

- Apr 17, 2024

It's time to dive into the briny depths of marine cuisine as the rising popularity of sea greens isn’t just a fleeting fad, but a solid step towards a healthier you. Sea greens, sea vegetables, or seaweed - use whatever nomenclature that floats your boat, but they all point to nutritious waterborne plants that have paddled their way onto our plates.

The usual suspects in this oceanic line-up include crowd favorites like Spirulina, Chlorella, Nori, Kelp, Dulse, Wakame, and Kombu. While their novelty might make them seem like exotic underwater rarities in the Western kitchen, they have long been staple features in East Asian diets. From providing antioxidants and vitamins to being a trove of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, these under-the-sea greens should have Ariel singing their praises.

To convince you to welcome this new wave of wellness into your diet, here are seven compelling reasons:

  1. Say Hello to Heart Health: Omega-3 fatty acids, usually touted as the star component of fatty fish, also lurk beneath the waves in sea greens. While studies are in the nascent stages, initial findings suggest that sea greens might be one of the few plant sources for supplementing your omega-3 intake.

  2. A Digestive Delight: Go with your gut and favor the fiber-rich contents of seaweed to support a healthy digestive system.

  3. Thyroid-boosting Treats: Certain sea greens like kelp, nori, and others could be beneficial for an underactive thyroid due to their iodine content. However, go for cautious consumption as overfeeding on iodine could have a counterproductive effect on thyroid health.

  4. Helpers in Halt Allergies: Preliminary research indicates that sea greens might play a tentative role in reducing symptoms associated with seasonal allergies and potentially even food allergies. However, more studies are needed to confirm these effects.

  5. Manage Diabetes: Initial research signifies that seaweed might assist in combating type 2 diabetes, thanks to high levels of antioxidants, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids.

  6. Heavy-Metal Heroes: Certain sea greens, like spirulina, can help detoxify the body of harmful substances, specifically heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and mercury.

  7. Weight Loss Allies: Low in the calorie count and high in fiber, sea greens might be your go-to snack if you're aiming for weight loss. Bonus points for sea greens in keeping inflammation at bay, a state often associated with obesity.

Cooked, raw, tossed in a salad, or sprinkled on other dishes – however you choose to prepare them, sea greens are sure to add a tuple of health benefits with a sprinkle of exotic flavor to your plate. So, are you ready to ride the wellness wave with sea greens?
