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Scary Berries: The Lesser-Known Lifesaving Powers of Strawberries


By Ella T.

- Apr 17, 2024

Forget about apples, if you're aiming at keeping the doctor away, strawberries are your sure bet. Old MacDonald and his farm could have an entire hit blog just on the health benefits of this berry, nay, this life-saving, disease-fighting, World War Z-ing fruit of the gods.

According to the fruit popularity contest held annually by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, strawberries are seated firmly as the 6th most popular fruit among Americans. And why wouldn't they? Beyond their juicy sweetness, strawberries are health superheroes in tiny, tasty packages.

Jenna Volpe, an RDN based in Austin, Texas, dubs strawberries as 'an antioxidant powerhouse.' This tiny dynamo carries an array of benefits that might protect your heart, suppress inflammation, deter cancer, keep your gut healthy, and more. The cavalry they bring? Vitamin C, lutein, and carotene. They also deliver a generous selection of other vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making them a nutrient-rich package that punches way beyond their size. Can Batman do that?

There's also no seasonal shortfall when it comes to strawberries. Although they are at their juiciest during the spring and summer, your strawberry dopamine fix doesn't have to ebb as canned, freeze-dried, and frozen strawberries are also available all year long.

From bacon to brain health, strawberries are becoming the new 'cure-all'. Studies indicate that they can enhance cognitive function and delay the onset of diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. So next time you forget where you parked your car, you're better off eating a punnet of strawberries than squandering your moments screaming in the parking lot.

Strawberries are out to save your heart too, with evidence linking regular strawberry consumption to a decrease in cardiometabolic risks. If that's not enough, they also sharpshoot 'bad' cholesterol, aim a blow at the scourges of inflammation, and act as prebiotics to support gut health.

So next time you need a snack, skip the packaged stuff and grab a handful of strawberries. Just think of them as your very own edible Avengers, fighting malevolent forces lurking in your body, one bite at a time.
