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Sassy Guide to Spice Up Your Life with Annatto


By Maxwell H.

- Sep 28, 2024

Inject a bit of color into your humdrum routine with annatto - the spunky kid on the block of health foods - and a true jack-of-all-trades. This intriguing plant-based food additive hails all the way from the seeds of the Bixa orellana shrub. Think Central American Sherlock Holmes with a killer tropical vibe, and you're close. This versatile dye has been bold-face lying about its age for centuries, with its infectious yellow-orange hue. You can blame its youthful aesthetics on bixin and norbixin – a pair of trusty carotenoids that keep annatto looking flawless. Besides its notorious, disruptively eclectic aliases – achiote, atsuete, bija, onoto, urucum, we're talking to you – it's got a knack for turning adverse reactions into a savage life lesson, making it not everyone's cup of tea.

Call it the ‘everywhere girl’ – spotted in your Grandma’s pantry and in the most exquisite skincare products to even the casual bohemian scarf – annatto is a worldwide queen. With 70% of all natural food coloring agents strolling out from annatto's walk-in wardrobe, it's safe to say she's owning the runway. It’s got a flavor that struts between sweet, peppery, with an unapologetic color spectrum ranging from rebellious yellow to audacious reddish-orange.

But wait, there's more! Looking for a vibrant hue for your dinner tonight? Forget kitchen magician – become a color wizard instead with annatto. Grind up its seeds and you've got a fancy dinner trick to impress your slightly judgmental in-laws. Desperate for an annatto alternative? Paprika's gotchu covered, boo.

Now, don't go chomping down on annatto by the spoonful. The dose does make the poison, honey. In typical amounts found in foods, our darling annatto is as safe as a marshmallow pillow fight, dishing out lip-smacking flavor, and impressive color. Translation: It's not messing with your nutrient absorption game. But remember, parties come with party crashers. There could be potential side effects like allergic reactions or an irritable bowel syndrome flare-up (talk about a real party pooper, geddit?). Despite these potential fun dampers, go ahead - sprinkle a dash of annatto magic into your life. Up the ante on your cooking and personal care routine while simultaneously telling boring to take the next exit. What’s life without a dash of color and a twist of sass, right?
