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Olive Oil: The Unapologetic Truth About Its Health Benefits


By Nora R.

- Sep 24, 2024

The world of fitness and nutrition is overflowing with misconceptions and half-truths; often proving disastrous for those seeking real health. But let’s zoom in on a much-loved, much-debated health champion- The Olive Oil. For every ‘Fitness Guru’ pushing you to savor coconuts, remember this- Olive oil has them beaten, hands down. Derived from farming fresh olives until they surrender to form a paste, the extracted oil is then granted freedom from any undesirable pulp or water.

The crème de la crème of olive oils originates from the first press, lending it the most nutritional value and extravagant flavor profiles of all. While it graces our salads, fulfills our sautéing dreams and offers aesthetic facials, olive oil nurtures our health in remarkable ways. Research shows that fanciers of olive oil who consume as little as half a tablespoon a day perk up their heart health significantly.

Before you start bathing in it, know this- Olive oil isn’t just packing a punch of healthy fats, it’s also generously loaded with antioxidants. These are more than just fancy compounds tailing all hyphenated-health-products, they are life’s warriors, fighting against diseases and aging. The bad LDL cholesterol is lowered and good HDL cholesterol is raised, preventing our blood vessels from resembling dried twigs.

The health benefits of olive oil don't stop there. The same rich liquid gold may also lower blood pressure, increase cognitive function, help manage diabetes, fight some types of cancer, tackle inflammation, and even aid in weight loss. Talk about bang for your buck!

While olive oil's benefits are numerous, over-consumption, as with anything, may backfire because a single tablespoon contains 124 calories. So, maintaining a balance is essential for reaping the benefits without carrying extra weight around the waist. The trick is to use olive oil judiciously and not think of it as a magic potion.

And don’t you dare opt for 'refined olive oil' to save a dime or two! This processed oil has lost most of its nutrients and doesn’t pack the same punch as extra virgin olive oil when it comes to flavor and nutrition.

There’s telling and then there’s proven research. The latter speaks volumes about the superpowers of olive oil. Be it heart health, inflammation, cognitive function, or more, the humble olive oil has all bases covered. So do your health a favor and drizzle away!
