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Lines are Drawn: Orange is not the Only Vitamin C Hero


By Isabel P.

- Sep 12, 2024

When it comes to gulping down vitamin C, oranges no longer hold the monopoly folks! That tangy delight’s unwavering dominance is over. There’s a contingency of badass veggies and fruits out there ready to give oranges a run for their money. Understand this: even the crunchy red bell peppers and sweet kiwis pack a powerful vitamin C punch, without subjecting you to that frustrating acidity. It's like getting your cake and eating it too (but please, don't eat the cake, we’re trying to be healthy here).

Citrus fruits, while undoubtedly loaded with the good stuff, are basically that hot girlfriend/boyfriend who’s just too high maintenance. They come with serious acidity. The equivalent of unpredictable mood swings that may not always be easy on your system. For those diagnosed with Acid Reflux or GERD, such high acidic levels can lead to discomforts like heartburn.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid as the nerds like to call it, is that essential friend who covers your back. This water-soluble nutrient helps shield against cell damage. It’s necessary for collagen production, ramps up iron absorption, and keeps your immune system functioning at its best. And because the body doesn't naturally produce vitamin C and cannot store it for later use, it’s important to find varied sources of Vitamin C.

No, overachievers, downing gallons of vitamin C juice isn’t going to make you invincible. You can still get a vitamin C overdose. Anything over 2,000 mg can lead to unpleasant stuff like nausea, diarrhea or even kidney stones in rare cases. Easy there, champ.

The best way to ensure that you’re meeting your vitamin C requirements? Keep things diverse in your diet. Remember, veggies and fruits aren’t just vitamin C factories, they're loaded with other beneficial nutrients to round out your overall health needs. And if for some reason you're struggling to meet your vitamin C goals, consider talking to your healthcare provider about whether vitamin C supplements could help.

Other heavy hitters for vitamin C, apart from the obvious orange, include guava, red bell peppers, broccoli, cantaloupe, sweet peppers, and some low-acid alternatives for people with acid reflux - all ready to shake up the norm. Confidence and a balanced diet: that's your ticket to getting your daily dose of this essential nutrient.

Remember, vitamin C is not just about fruits like oranges anymore. Prop the cooler fruits and vegetables onto your dietary pedestal and enjoy a diverse eating plan that might just make you the sassiest health guru in town.
