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Get Your Essential Amino Acids with Phenylalanine: A No-Bullshit Guide


By Ella T.

- Aug 29, 2024

So you've been hearing whispers about phenylalanine at the gym or at the yoga studio and may be wondering: Is it another health gimmick with a fancy-schmancy name?

Consider me your cynical health buddy here to uncomplicate things for you with some no-nonsense info about this essential amino acid called phenylalanine. Fun fact: It's not a mystical protein elixir conjured in a lab or a leafy green superfood yet to be colonized by the Whole Foods elite.

Let's get to it; Phenylalanine is just one of the nine essential amino acids that are responsible for helping you churn out all the proteins your body demands. Here's an upfront scoop for you – our bodies cannot produce it, so it has to be imported through our diet. Once in your body, it gets converted into tyrosine, a co-worker in the amino acid circle, which goes on to manufacture dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, your brain's needful chemicals.

"But where can I find this?" you ask. Well, buckle up, dear health explorer; it's quite a universal fellow! Phenylalanine is tucked away in high-protein foods - think animal proteins and plant-based buddies like soy products and legumes. If that's not enough, it somehow manages to sneak into certain drinks and foods marketed as "light" or "diet" – courtesy of aspartame, an artificial sweetening agent made from phenylalanine and aspartic acid.

Most of you won't need to commit to the madness of supplementing Phenylalanine in your diet because it's like the air – it's everywhere! However, there's a certain genetic disorder called phenylketonuria (PKU), where phenylalanine could transform from friend to foe. People with PKU bear an impaired enzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase, responsible for converting phenylalanine into other useful compounds. With its absence, phenylalanine builds up, causing brain toxicity, seizures, behavioral issues, and much more.

But, enough of the grim talk. Let's circle back to how you can ensure you're getting all the amino acids needed, including phenylalanine. Spoiler alert: it does not involve juggling different protein sources or discovering a magic formula. Simply stick to a diet including adequate protein sources. Simple, huh?

Whether you go for animal-derived or plant-based protein sources, Phenylalanine is pretty eager to participate and get your body working right. Unless you have PKU or another specific condition, you can pretty much quit worrying about your phenylalanine intake. So, relax, eat healthily, and leave the rest to your smart body that uses what it needs and kicks out the excess!
