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Fighting Geographic Atrophy: Your Plate as Your Defense


By Owen M.

- Jun 3, 2024

Often, we underestimate the power of what we consume. That's right - your kale smoothie isn't just a trend, folks. It can serve as a substantial line of defense against vision-debilitating conditions like Geographic Atrophy (GA). What's GA, you ask? It's an advanced type of dry macular degeneration. Translation: a slow, sneaky robber of your sight. It affects the central part of your retina aka the mother lode of your sharp, detailed vision. Just imagine not being able to recognize faces or read texts - Astonishingly inconvenient, to say the least.

Before you hit the panic button, let's get this clear - while GA has no respect for age or family history, it does pay attention to your lifestyle choices. Our life-ruining habits like smoking, bloating the blood pressure, and not giving two hoots about a healthy weight will fast-track you to be GA's next victim. But there's good news. You can woo GA away with the right diet…if you still care about having a good look at your beloved's face or the words on this screen.

Seriously, folks, even dreaded GA can't resist the allure of antioxidant-rich diet. Leafy greens, nuts, and Mediterranean diet – not just your Instagram's favorite, but also GA's kryptonite. Studies show a slower enlargement of GA just by sticking to this kind of diet. Awesome, right?

Well, it gets better. Vitamins C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc – all touted for their admirable role in ensuring your ‘specs appeal’. And guess what? They're not hard to find; even your corner grocery store has 'em. Be it juicy grapefruit, crunchy nuts, oily salmon, or succulent oysters, your grocery list just got a lot more exciting and health-packed.

You may be tempted to refill your pantry with AREDS 2 supplements, what with all the rumors about it slowing down AMD to mere crawl. But hold your horses! Beware of the dreaded 'promise vs reality' trap. Just because the glossy label promises eye benefits doesn't mean the bottle holds true to it. Have a word with your eye doc or GP before you gulp down those pills.

Embrace that Mediterranean lifestyle, will you? It's a win for your eye health and overall health alike. And guess what? Our beloved FDA has approved new meds to slow the progression of GA. Looks like we finally have a fighting chance against this sight snatcher, thanks to diet and modern science. Let's eat our way into sharper vision, shall we?
