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Feast & Conquer: The Ultimate Guide to Foods That Satisfy and Slay Hunger Pangs


By Julian F.

- Sep 12, 2024

Say goodbye to unfulfilled hunger pangs and misconceptions about food that do nothing but hold you hostage with cravings. Welcome to the world where satiety is king, and we feed our bodies what they actually need.

Get this; the feeling of fullness after you eat, or satiety, can be your secret weapon in maintaining weight and keeping away the ungodly stomach growls. The gist is simple; some foods keep you full for longer, while others don’t. Spoiler alert: The whole, unprocessed stuff keeps you satiated far better than any sugary, Frankenstein-like creation.

Your metabolism, the covert spy working round-the-clock to convert food to energy, also plays a starring role in keeping your hunger levels in check. Ever heard of the satiety index though? It’s like the fortune cookie of nutrition science that tells you how satisfying different foods can be.

Brace yourself; the plot is about to thicken.

Foods that fill you up usually bring truckloads of nutrients to the table. They are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Try snacking on veggies with fiber-rich hummus to achieve that after-yoga zen, or load a bowl of oatmeal with walnuts and berries for a breakfast that delivers more than just Instagram likes.

Turns out, potatoes are not just good at making fries. They are filled with all the good stuff, from carbohydrates, fiber to vitamins, and raked as the most satisfying food in the Satiety Index study. Their secret weapon? A protein known as proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2), that's a maestro at playing your appetite like a symphony.

Eggs may have been villainized in the past for their cholesterol levels, but they were clearly misunderstood in their rebellious years. Now heralded as a satiety champion, eggs are go-to breakfast heroes, packed with protein, vitamins, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Research signals they can lower hunger hormone levels better than your beloved oatmeal.

Not to disregard our trusty old oats; they too score high on the satiety scale. Rich in fiber, chiefly a type called beta-glucan, oats slow your stomach's evacuation, making you feel full longer. Oats vs. prepared cereals, is there even a contest?

Dive headfirst into the flavorful world of soups, which are not just soul-warming but also surprisingly filling. Keep in mind to avoid canned soup like you would avoid creeps in the gym; they're high in sodium and processed mishmash.

Our lives would indeed be a bore without the juicy succulence of lean meats. A vital source of protein, they help control your appetite and keep you satiated. But trade wisely, avoid greed with red meat! Same goes for Greek yogurt, veggies, cottage cheese, legumes and beans, fruits, quinoa, nuts, MCT oil, popcorn, low-fat dairy products, and peanut butter. They all make the cut, smartly blending nutrients and flavor for an appetizing satiety potion.

Remember, the foods you eat can rule your hunger levels. Here at, we urge you to consider the satiety value of every bite, to take charge of your health, and conquer your cravings, one fulfilling plate at a time.
