Do You Really Need Fancy Water? A Dive Into the Hydrogen Water Hype
- Apr 22, 2024
Water is water, right? Well, not quite. Add hydrogen to the mix and bam! Welcome to the world of hype - hydrogen water. Propagated as the new favorite of the health-conscious crowd, hydrogen water purportedly promises enhanced hydration, boosted energy, better athletic performance, and reduced inflammation. But does it really, though?
Essentially, you are drinking water that has undergone quite a session at the 'hydrogen spa'. The process of creating hydrogen water can involve the unrelenting bubbling of pure hydrogen gas or splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen via electrolysis. Admittedly a lot of fuss for something that allegedly tastes exactly the same. Wonders never cease!
Now, if you're like us and don't have a high-tech, gas-infusing laboratory-style setup in your kitchen, you can buy water with your essentially-necessary element dissolved in it. Host of options awaits you including pouches of ready-to-drink hydrogen water, hydrogen-infusing tablets to drop in your regular water, or if you are feeling fancy, hydrogen-infusing water bottles and machinery.
Alarm bells ringing yet? Let's explore further.
Does the molecular hydrogen really kick the antioxidant activity up a notch? Studies suggest some benefits tied to increased endurance, alertness, reduced body fat, inflammation, and improved metabolism and skin health. However, before you leap off the couch and race to your nearest health food store, take note: the existing research is scarce and the sample sizes minuscule. This water wonder needs to tote some more proof before we are up and waving the 'better-than-plain-water' flag.
The bright side? Your health won't degrade if you gulped down a bottle or two. The dark part? You might spot a significant dent in your bank account and it may not be as convenient as the good ol' tap water.
And the hydrogen water bottle you've been eyeing? That $250 you've been saving could probably find better use until more concrete data confidently support claims.
Alternatives on the market include alkaline water, renowned for neutralizing acid in your blood. Although the scientific evidence backing it up is limited (sensing a pattern?). Hydrogen-infused or alkaline, neither seems to be the elixir some tout.
The plot thickens: hydrogen can make a quick exit through plastic and from an open container-so make sure to slurp within 15 to 30 minutes of making/opening it.
Look, when it comes down to it, drink your water folks. Plain or hydrogen-infused, hydrating does a body good. Dehydration is a no-no, and to be fair, if hydrogen water is inspiring you to hydrate more-go for it. But for now, the jury’s out on whether hydrogen water is worth the hype, or the hole it might burn in your wallet.