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Deadly Milkshakes: The Raw Truth About 'Nutritious' Milk and Bird Flu


By Clara T.

- May 28, 2024

As the known spread of bird flu infiltrates dairy cows and forms a dark cloud over raw milk devotees, public health professionals are straight-up yelling at Americans to steer clear of the unpasteurized stuff. It seems that, like a horror movie victim, some raw milk enthusiasts enjoy courting danger, continuing to guzzle down gallons of the stuff despite explicit warnings. In fact, some are even buying in bulk, leading to an upswing in raw milk sales of 21 percent since H5N1 was first detected in the U.S. dairy industry.

The driving force behind this bizarre trend? Well, according to William Schaffner, MD, it's a strange combination of anticipated restrictions and the mentality of 'screw it, might as well live a little'. Cue to grabbing that 'Forbidden' bottle of raw milk one last time.

Advocates of the strange milk trend claim it's all about a natural lifestyle. With an endorsement from wellness aficionado Gwyneth Paltrow, the #rawmilk trend has skyrocketed on social media, getting played billions of times. Dr. Schaffner agrees that raw milk may have potential benefits, but cautions that the risk is still too damn high.

Is pasteurized milk the better option then? According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, pasteurization is kinda like your hyper-hygienic aunt who insists on disinfecting everything - it nukes all disease-causing bacteria dead, thus making your milk safe.

Feeling rebellious? Trying to get your dose of danger? Before you grab that raw milk bottle, just know that bird flu is playing for keeps. Alea iacta est, but remember, health isn't a game.
