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Crash Course: Unmasking the Zen of the Pasta Salad


By Henry Mason

- May 16, 2024

Let's take a moment to discuss pasta - that globally adored, carb-laden comfort food that doesn’t quite grace our plates as much when the sun is blazing. Well, folks, it's time this changes. Welcome to the fantastic world of pasta salads - your ticket to conclude the barbecue season on a high note, to spruce up those picnic baskets, or to add a zesty twist to your quick, no-hassle midweek meals.

Pasta salad is teeming with perks: it's an economical way to feed a troop, simple to prep in bulk, and it's a dish where the flavors deepen with time – a rare trait in the leftovers kingdom. Plus, it's anything but monotonous. With over 400 variants of pasta to choose from (shoutout to Britannica for that fun fact), you could curate a new pasta salad daily for over a year!

Don't be handcuffed by the traditional semolina flour pasta; open your culinary horizons to more options that pack fiber and protein like a punch. Casting for the star of your salad? You can easily pass the baton to any assortment of veggies – raw, roasted, or grilled. Up the ante with a protein - maybe leftover chicken or fish or even a humble can of beans. Drizzle with a velvety olive oil-based dressing amped with your favorite herbs or spices, and voila: You’ve crafted a meal that’s healthy, hearty, and capable of dazzling any crowd.

Here's a fun fact: If you're apprehensive about pasta’s carbs, pasta salad still doesn’t give up its charm. Cooking and then cooling pasta transforms the starch in a way that has less of an impact on blood sugar levels, past research asserts.

Sure, pasta salad is a breeze to whip up, but some pointers to bear in mind include ensuring swift cooling post cooking and immediate chilling post tossing. If you’re carrying it for potlucks, keep it in a cooler to maintain its freshness. Limit unrefrigerated exposure to a maximum of two hours and be cautious of bacteria multiplication. Past that period, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises bidding it farewell.

Yet, when properly stored, pasta salad can cater to your meal prep needs, staying fresh in the fridge for up to five days.

So, are you ready to master the art of the pasta salad? Check out our curated list of seven incredible recipes that are guaranteed to impress.
