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Cottage Cheese: The Underrated Protein Powerhouse You’re Overlooking


By Henry Mason

- Nov 11, 2024

Say goodbye to protein bars and shake that ridiculous notion of egg-only diets – the real star of the protein show is the humble curds of cottage cheese. Boasting a whopping 25 grams of protein per cup, it knocks Greek yogurt (17g) and 2 eggs (12g) out of the park, making it the heavyweight protein champion in your fridge right now.

Not only is cottage cheese a protein powerhouse, but it also plays host to a myriad of critical vitamins and minerals. From bone-strengthening nutrients to those that give your red blood cells a boost, it’s no slouch when it comes to keeping your body in top shape. Plus, being packed with probiotics, this unsung food-hero also fortifies your gut health and lends a helping hand in weight loss.

Now, before you sprint to the dairy aisle and pick up an armload of cottage cheese, let's be clear about one thing: we're not promoting the 'cottage cheese diet.' This latest fad diet, which will likely join its predecessors in the 'what were they thinking' hall of fame, has dieters scoff down cottage cheese and a smattering of other unprocessed foods in the name of quick weight loss. While cottage cheese is nutritious and beneficial, banking on it alone to shed pounds is as absurd as believing cats will one day enslave us all (we hope…).

Cottage cheese isn't just a one-trick pony; a 100g serving offers less saturated fat than hard cheeses, five times the potassium to manage your bodily functions, and a generous dose of riboflavin, also known as the energy-boosting vitamin B2. But like all good things in life, not all cottage cheeses are created equal, so seek versions that have fewer additives and more live, active cultures.

As versatile as it is nutritious, cottage cheese can jazz up a bowl of salad, serve as a protein-rich snack, or as a soft spread on your whole-grain bread. However, for those with lactose intolerance or a milk allergy, fear not - dairy-free alternatives mimicking the texture and protein content of cottage cheese also exist.

So here's your take-home message from your unabashedly candid wellness buddy: cottage cheese is packed with health benefits, making it a solid choice to incorporate into your diet. Just remember to keep an eye on the nutrition facts label to avoid undoing all the good with excessive sodium or sugar values. Now go forth and conquer the dairy aisle - just don't hoard it all.
