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Avocado Storage Misconceptions: Why Dunking in Water Could Turn Deadly


By Ella T.

- Apr 5, 2024

Everyone's favorite creamy green gem, the avocado, sees a mammoth 40% rise in imports during January and February, thanks mostly to game-day guacamole appetites. The avocado is a holy grail fruit, packed with fiber, potassium, and luscious healthy fats - it's a no-brainer why we hoard them like Game of Thrones' collectibles. However, post slicing, storing avocados is akin to handling a bomb that can detonate into brown mush mess in no time.

Internet hacks suggest dunking avocados in water can halt their browning journey and keep them pleasingly green for longer. Enterprising TikTokers amassed millions of views demonstrating this method's effectiveness, with user @sidneyraz's avocado-in-water bit pulling in a whopping 4.5 million clicks alone. Yet, what started as a clever hack took a horrific turn, prompting the FDA to issue a stern warning. So why exactly did the FDA say, "No more avo baths, people!"?

Avocado may relish water for refreshing its surface, but this aquatic detour could welcome unwanted guests like Listeria monocytogenes and salmonella-the notorious culprits behind foodborne illnesses. Matt Regusci, a food safety compliance expert, paints a stark picture, stating, “When you cut into an avocado, split it in half, then submerge it in water, you provide the perfect environment to create a pathogenic soup.”

Exposure to these bacteria could spell disaster, especially for those with weakened immune systems. Symptoms are unpleasant, ranging from fever and abdominal cramps to severe illness and in some cases, even death.

So, how can we keep our beloved avocados fresh without setting the stage for a bacterial showdown? A squeeze of lime or lemon juice should do the trick (avocado with a zesty twist), followed by a snuggle in cling film. Citrus juice contains citric acid, which is known to slow down oxidation, keeping the avocado green for longer. If you fancy playing it completely safe, toss your avocate cuttings in the freezer, preferably pre-portioned, ready for your next smoothie or guac creation. Remember, freezing deactivates any lurking bacteria, neutralizing its ability to multiply and wreak havoc.

So, the takeaway here? Store your avocados safely and responsibly. However appealing an anti-browning trick seems, it's not worth risking a bout of foodborne illness. Better to stick to the FDA-approved methods. Give them a good rinse, scrub off any dirt, and dry them completely before storing your avocados. Avocado lovers, let's toast to fresher, safer, and long-lasting avocados!
