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Your Vision on Thin Ice: Navigating Life with Wet AMD


By Sophie B.

- May 26, 2024

You've crossed paths with a condition called Wet AMD. Think of it as your vision walking on thin ice, making everyday tasks like binge-watching, hunting words in a novel, or recognizing that potential Tinder date across the room a thrilling task. Dark rooms? You might as well step into a haunted house. And just like a bad acid trip, visual distortions get real - straight lines look like a wonky wave and objects appear smaller. Not to mention a pesky dark spot in the middle of your vision. Scared yet? Good, now that I have your attention, let's talk solutions.

Saving your sight requires catching the problem early and jumping into action, pronto. This isn't a "wait and see" condition, folks. Medications can be pumped directly into your eyeballs to slow down new blood vessels' growth that are screwing with your vision. Sounds pleasant, right? Well, desperate times call for extreme measures.

Regular eye checkups are going to be your new jam. Bonus - you get to play doctor using the Amsler grid at home for some light-hearted self-diagnosis. Sure, some vision loss might stick around like that annoying ex. But with some tools like magnifying devices and anti-glare eyewear, you can make the most of what you've still got.

Venture a bit into the wild and you might stumble upon some creative ways to block proteins used for fostering new blood vessels. We're talking direct injections into the eyes or, for the daring, refillable ocular implants, assuming someone bothers to solve their technical issues (looking at you, Susvimo). Gene therapy is also flirting with the idea of a one-time-fix-all– but don't hold your breath, it's still in the pipeline.

When you're chilling with your doc, here's your VIP list of questions: 1) What's the severity of my Wet AMD? 2) How many of my eyes do I need to worry about? 3) Are there any supplements I can take to defend my not-yet-affected eye? 4) What are my treatment options? How often will I need them? 5) How often am I seeing you for a check-up? 6) What's the forecast for my vision? 7) Any chance of getting into a clinical trial for new treatments? 8) Do I need to be worried about my family? 9) How do I navigate with impaired vision?

Speaking of navigation, don't go solo. Get a team. A retina or low-vision specialist, an occupational therapist, a mental health expert, a nurse, and vision techies are all ready to help sail this ship. They've got your back, no matter how wavy the waters get. Reach out to the Foundation Fighting Blindness, Macular Degeneration Support, or the Macular Degeneration Association for reinforcement.

Living with Wet AMD is a bit like marathon training, except your eyes are doing the running. Between the treatments, check-ups, and learning to use vision beneficial gadgets, it does get hectic. But hey, at least there's never a dull moment.
