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Your Itchy Palms Aren't Just From Naughty Thoughts: The Reality of Atopic Dermatitis on Hands


By Maxwell H.

- May 26, 2024

*"I am itching from the inside out, and from the outside in, I swear." If you've ever muttered this less-than-glamorous phrase, there's a high chance you're not possessed by a parasite but are just one of the 10% of the world's population that's been cursed with Atopic Dermatitis (AD) on hands. Less formally known as the oh-so-sexy eczema, this skin condition can turn your hands into a dry, itchy, and irritated war zone.

This skin blight hits hands harder than other body parts, and managing our itchy companions can get tricky. We've got dermatologists on speed dial and eight hand-resistant truths to throw your way about AD.

  1. Surprise! Your 9 to 5 Could be Your Skin’s Nightmare: According to Alison Ehrlich, MD, a dermatologist in Washington, DC, if your hands are the slaves of “wet work” or are exposed to irritants for longer than a 'LOTR Extended Edition' marathon, then your flare-ups could be as frequent as your coffee breaks. Those in healthcare, dentistry, the hair industry, or manual labor are often prime candidates.

  2. No, It Doesn’t Look Like That Random Rash: Hand AD takes on an exclusive membership crowd, often showing up as severely dry, cracked, or fissured skin, with inflamed patches that itch like a public lice announcement.

  3. Newsflash – It’s Not Easily Fixed: Hand AD is the stubborn mule of skin conditions, often resisting treatments more than your teenager resists household chores. One study reports nearly 65% of people with hand AD facing repeated flare-ups despite long-term prescriptions.

  4. Because Regular AD wasn't Bad Enough: Dr. Del Campo warns hand AD can be an epicenter for pain and infection due to the Mariana Trench they dig in your skin. Even your sleep and mental health are at risk due to the non-stop itch-party your hands are throwing.

  5. Life Isn't All Sunshine and Rainbows: Insult to injury, things like stress, certain foods, and fabrics can send hand AD into an overdrive. Think your wool sweater was uncomfortable, wait till you experience a nylon-triggered flare.

  6. Not All Moisturizers are Created Equal: Listen, it's not about elitism, some are just better for your dermis democracy. Dermatologists recommend moisturizers with higher oil content; hypoallergenic, fragrance-free products; or those with glycerin, lanolin, or ceramides.

  7. Your Grandma Was Right About the Gloves: The good news? Donning gloves can help keep the flaming itch at bay. Bad news? You'll have to take up gardening or become a mime.

  8. Your Dermatologist Isn’t Just for Pimple Poppers: There are advanced ways to treat even severe hand AD. It might be time to stop the Operation and speak to a certified dermatologist about what treatment option would suit you. Remember, though, to always see "FAAD" after their name, lest you end up with someone whose only medical qualification is watching 'Grey's Anatomy'.

Hand Atopic Dermatitis, much like your ex, is annoying but manageable. With the right balance of avoiding triggers and effective treatment, you can say goodbye to your itchy nightmare and hello to handshakes without the fear of shedding skin.
