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Why Your Pee Personality Matters


By Maxwell H.

- Apr 3, 2024

Straight up, we're having a conversation about pee. It's nearly all water but it carries a wealth of information about our health and habits. When your blood flows through your kidneys, stuff that your body doesn't need (a.k.a waste) and excess water get filtered out. Urine, that golden flow of liquid, is your body taking out the trash. It's typically 95% water but the remaining 5% is made up of thousands of compounds. Surprise, surprise, those can spill the beans about medical conditions you might not even know you have.

Noted a massive mood swing in your urine lately? Changes in concentration, color, or frequency of urination can flag various health problems. Seeing shades of maroon in your pee cup? Witnessing a cloud obsessed with following you in the loo? Listen to that pee-poetic justice – something could be creepy crawling in your system.

Learn to speak fluent Urinology - let's dive into decoding your Pee-scriptions.

Ever wondered what the smell and hue of your urine translate to in human language? An artist's palette varies but remember, the devil resides in details. Slight changes are generally benign, but sometimes, they could be your body’s SOS signal. Healthy urine is like a shy Instagram star - mildly yellow with a subtle scent.

Urine changes its scent or color like a chameleon for various reasons. Love asparagus? You might just smell its return gift post pee-party. Ignored your thirst too long and now dealing with dehydration? Your body’s revenge might be ammonia-odored pee. Fruity-smelling urine might suggest type 2 diabetes and a foul-smelling one can be screaming of an infection.

Apart from revealing your favorite perfume, our pee also changes its shade as per its mood. Clear urine? Thumbs up for being well-hydrated. Yellow urine? You're hydrating enough, but the bar could be set higher. Amber-colored? You might be sailing towards the ocean of dehydration. And if you're peeing rainbows, it could be food, medication, or even a liver problem.

Cloudy pee can mean a multitude of things-everything from dehydration to urinary infections. If there's blood in your urine (hematuria), that's usually a symptom of an underlying medical problem and you should consult a healthcare provider ASAP.

You are what you eat and drink; your urine mirrors that too. So, if frequent peeing is disrupting your Zzz hours or your work-life balance, understand why.

Do you know eating disorders, hyperthyroidism, or uncontrolled diabetes can be sighted in the pee-circus via ketones (chemicals produced when the body burns fat instead of sugar)? Additionally, if there are leukocytes (white blood cells) in your pee, it could be hinting at urinary infections, prostate problems, etc.

Urine therapy, drinking pee for medicinal benefits, is a questionable alternative medicinal practice as urine contains all the secret waste your body doesn’t need. On a scary note, Maple Syrup Urine Disease could be responsible if an infant’s urine smells sweeter than usual.

Moral of the story? Be aware of your pee's personality to read your body’s pee-persona.
