When You Start Peeing Liquid Gold: The Overdose of B Vitamins
- Jan 23, 2025
Chugging down vitamin pills, hoping to turn your sorry, Slurpee-swilling body into a livelier, healthier specimen? Sure, vitamins are generally good for your health, but pull the brakes. It's possible to overdose, especially on the Vitamin B complex. Taking bucketloads more than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) is simply not cool.
Meet the motley crew of the B large - eight B vitamins, each playing a role in keeping your body – from brain farts to sudden spurts of energy – running pretty well. Our bodies are amazing, and unlike that cheating ex of yours, will give back as good as they get. So, gorge yourself on too much 'B' and expect a 'B'acklash.
While most of them pass straight through your kidneys and into your urine without hunkering down in your body for long, a few are happy to help make life miserable. Too much B1 – or thiamine – could turn your stomach into a mini rollercoaster.
Same story with B2: chug down truckloads and pee them out; but beware, you might be freaking out about your neon yellow pee. Don't worry, it's not radioactive. It’s just your body screaming out 'Dude, stop with the riboflavin overdose already!'
God forbid, you run afoul of Niacin. In large doses, it's known to crash your party – face and neck feeling all warm and prickly. And, God forbid, you’re latte-skinned, like me. Now, we’ve got to worry about darkened patches too.
This B-vitamin overdose thing gets crazier - overdosing B5 and B6 can leave you hugging the toilet or feeling numbness and tingling in your hands and feet like a freaky horror movie. Some rare cases even report nerve damage.
Getting overzealous with Biotin? Fine if you're not planning bloodwork soon; else, get ready for wonky thyroid or heart function results. Tediously high levels of folate too can cloak a lurking vitamin B12 deficiency which, again, cues nerve damage. Plus, with added risks of rectal cancer, B-fortified foods start looking less appealing, right?
Comfortingly, for B12, a safe overdose limit hasn't been ascertained yet, and side effects from B12 alone are rare.
So, smarty, you ask, "B-complex or B12 supplement?". Well, that depends on your specific needs. And since nobody’s fond of regular dates with the ER, always check with a healthcare provider before starting.
Daily B-complex dosages, much like your 'perfect' selfie angles, are impacted by multiple factors - age, sex, health conditions, pregnancy etc. But don't take these supplements if you've got allergies to any of the ingredients.
For help in the USA dial 800-222-1222 for poison control if you think that you OD’ed on supplements. If symptoms get worse (breathing's a little bit important, isn’t it?), call 911.
Digested more than your share of B-complex? Go fishing for healthcare advice faster than you can say 'Fluorescent pee'. Stop the excess intake, and keep hydrated. Sounds too patronizing for you? Well, maybe it’s time to reconsider your undying love for triple-bacon cheeseburgers.