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Unveiling the Power of Biologics in Controlling Psoriasis Effectively


By Maxwell H.

- Dec 13, 2023

Biologics have emerged as a robust remedy for moderating to severe cases of psoriasis, especially when conventional medicines prove ineffectual. By precisely targeting the components of an overactive immune system responsible for psoriasis, biologics suppress the overreactivity, hence proficiently clearing skin, diminishing side effects, and controlling the disease's progress.

The market is now brimming with a diverse range of biologics for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis treatment. However, the efficacy of such drugs may vary among users and over time, calling for occasional switches, observes Marisa Garshick, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical Center and dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology in New York City. She also highlights that every two years, about 25% of psoriasis patients change their biologic medication, which contributes significantly to enhancing their quality of life.

Several reasons can instigate a shift from one biologic to another. If a particular biologic underperforms or yields unfavorable side effects, then it might signal the need to try a different option. However, decisions regarding switches should not be impulsive but should arise from careful consultations with medical professionals.

Another reason for switching could be the advent of more effective biologics, or changes in health insurance coverage. Regardless of the reason, talks with your doctor should precede any changes in your biologic choice.

Switching to a new biologic necessitates care and guided steps. Close adherence to the dermatologist’s instructions helps in a smooth and safe transition. Understanding that biologics have different administration schedules and protocols is critical. The effect may not be immediate, with some biologics taking three to four months for full benefits to manifest.

Regular vaccination, such as the annual flu shot, is crucial since biologics can compromise your immune system. Equally important is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle including, limiting alcohol intake, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Though swapping from one treatment to another might be a challenging process, it could be well worth it if it facilitates better control over your psoriasis. Keep in mind that psoriasis medication response varies among individuals, which makes the crafting of a personalized treatment plan with your doctor a critical success factor.
