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Unmasking KP.2: The New COVID Kid on the Block


By Sophie B.

- May 31, 2024

Brace yourselves, health junkies! Just when you figured getting jabbed would score you a COVID-free pass, behold - another pesky variant is muscling into the scene, dominating the nation's COVID hits, and it goes by KP.2.

According to the buttoned-up folks at the CDC, the once small-time KP.2 has mushroomed from 4% to a chunky 25% of new infections – that’s like the indie record that conquers Billboard. Oh, and you remember the A-lister JN.1? That’s yesterday’s news, down to just 22%.

Decoded from its science-y jargon, KP.2, belongs to the FliRT crew of variants. Another member of this troupe, KP.1.1, is hot on its tail, accounting for 7.5% of infections.

According to some smart Japanese, KP.2, the Omicron JN.1's unruly offspring, is the bad boy of the COVID crew. Thanks to its three cheeky alterations, this fraternity pledge has the potential to rise through the ranks and dominate the global scene.

Eric Topol, MD, predicts this could mean we’re in for what he poetically described as a “wavelet” of infections coming months. But before you quarantine yourself in the bunker, take a deep breath.

Despite KP.2's rising fame, the good news is that you're probably safe from any horrendous illness, thanks to the knights in shining armor -- our hard-earned antibodies. That is, unless you belong to the immunologically-challenged bunch (you now who you guys are).

The downside? The boys of the COVID crew, KP.2 included, seem to know the same tricks - sore throat, runny nose, cough, and muscle aches - which makes them hard to tell apart. In case you're exhibiting these symptoms, stay at home. If it gets nasty, ring up your doc and get tested.

Dr. Hawkinson insists that vulnerable folks should consider the antiviral drug Paxlovid as a safety net.

That leads us to a vital question - to panic or not to panic? The answer, according to Dr. Jones-Lopez, is a firm "Chill out, just stay alert." Sure, KP.2 might be the new prom king, and yes, worse strains could still emerge. But don't lose your cool. Stay up-to-date with your shots, because if COVID were a soap opera, we're in for a few more plot twists, folks.
